
Presuppositions In Biblical Psychology

Decent Essays

I’ve always liked asking thought provoking question. In fact, that’s why my friends told me to take this class. So, here I am, and I’m blown away. The first chapter of our book, Biblical Psychology, by Dr. Edgington, was about presuppositions. After reading the chapter, there were topics that I thought were thought provoking; and there were some points that I agree with; and there were some points that I not necessarily disagree with, just points that I thought were lacking.
To keep things short, I’ll just talk about one topic that I found thought provoking. During the presupposition section about God being a personal God, the idea of suffering was discussed. I think this is a good topic to think about. Today, it seems like we will sacrifice suffering for comfort or dignity. An example of this is Charlie Gard. Charlie Gard was an infant that suffered from a degenerative condition. The doctors refused to all his parents to take him to the United States for treatments because they thought Charlie Gard should die with dignity. We’ve lost the value of suffering. Suffering allows us to grow: emotionally, spiritually, and …show more content…

Some of the topics I think hit the nail on the head. These topics are presuppositions, respects for human beings, and hypocrites. The first point I agree with is that presuppositions are the end of every argument. What this means is that we look at certain pieces of evidence through a defined worldview. For example, I was watching a debate whether science can prove the existence of God. The Christian proposed that the universe is so finely tuned to support human life that an intelligent being had to have created the universe. On the other hand, the atheist proposed that the universe is so chaotic that it was just by chance that human being exist. Both are looking at the same pieces of evidence, but because of their worldviews – their presuppositions – they come to two completely different

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