I think, mental health providers should play the role for prevention of mass shooting by the help of media’s in depth coverage, especially when they involved children. Preventing future mass shootings involves changing our culture and how we respond to these events. By providing mental health services needed to many individuals would likely decrease the amount of future mass shootings. Serious policies and programs should be enacted and implemented by providing mental health services to children in schools, individuals in the community, and those in need and suffering from the mental health issues, that will help people develop coping strategies that will stop violent behavior in the future. Moreover, the best way to stop mass shooting are
Furthermore, mental illness is turning out to be a major cause of gun violence, in order to reduce gun crimes and instead of creating more laws and stipulations, steps must be taken. A professor at the University of Virginia and clinical psychologist, Dewey G. Cornell stated, ''We need to focus on prevention more broadly, before the violence, to have a real impact.'' (qtd. In Broader Approach). Some interpret that as, Americans need to stop focusing on the laws, and start realizing that dangerous situations, such as a mass shooting, can be prevented by recognizing the signs. Countless individuals are beginning to share his feelings. Some mentally ill people are starting to have a major part in mass shootings and those
The solutions suggested generally fall into 3 main categories: gun policy, media violence, and, lastly, mental health, which at some level can be considered to tie together every mass shooting incident committed, as no one could argue that mass shootings are the work of sound minds. The lowest hanging fruit is gun legislation. After every mass shooting incident this topic comes up without fail. One political entity pushes for more policies designed to restrict gun ownership in some way, and the other entity pushes back with arguments of “too soon,” and “slippery slopes” sliding towards eventual abolishment of the Second Amendment. Although no single law will ever eliminate mass shootings or gun violence entirely, a sound, unbiased mind not beholden to special interest monies would hopefully see that there are some real legislative moves that could be made to put a dent in deaths that
2 of the 5 deadliest mass shootings in modern American history have happened this year. The United States constitution ensures that every citizen has the right to firearms, the question at hand however is to what extent these firearms can be regulated or where should the government draw the line to ensure that the safety of American citizens is prioritized? There comes a point where sending thoughts and prayers just isn’t enough anymore. However, one thing is for certain: something must be done. Guns should be strictly regulated to reduce gun deaths, threat of mass shootings and to be completely true to the promises of the constitution.
Mass shootings have become one of the most fearful events that could happen in elementary schools, high schools, and College campuses. These violent actions committed by a number of individuals have happened for many years and will continue happening unless prevented. Individuals like James Holmes opened fire in a Colorado movie theater, killing twelve individuals and injuring twenty, John Sawahri shot five students dead in Santa Monica College also injuring four individuals. However Eric Harris and Dylan Kleibold executed the most horrific act of school violence in United States History. These two individuals managed to take the lives of twelve students, a teacher and managed to take their own life in the process. This act of crime has spread through America, leaving no one safe.
With mental illness identified as a very probable cause of these shootings, it is critical that the evidently poor and ineffective clinical help for mental disorders be reevaluated. A theoretical explanation for the modern prevalence of mental illness could be the increasingly optional nature of treatment: therapy is a choice, and checking into a facility or institution is
As anyone in the nation knows mass shootings are becoming more common and are becoming very predictable. In fact stats from the Crime Prevention Research Center show that over 98% of mass shootings happen in schools that are gun free zones from 1950 to july 10 of 2016. Although Nebraska has not had any reported mass shooting there has been one that took place in the parking lot of fort calhoun elementary school. We should be prepared to defend what place would most likely to be put in a shooting situation.
Mass shootings happen about every two weeks (“Behind the bloodshed, 2013, para. 3). After a mass shooting, many people ask these two same questions: How did the mental health system default them? How did he or she get such a powerful weapon? However, these questions do not have to be asked because these tragic shootings can be prevented. This can be done by taking better care of the mentally ill, enacting better gun control laws, and by not allowing violence in video
Are we as a country helpless against mass shooters? What can we do as a country to decrease the amount of innocent people dying at the hands of a mass shooter? In a perfect world, mass shootings would be eliminated completely. Unfortunately, this is unrealistic. So, what can we do as a country to decrease the number of mass shootings occurring in the United States? By performing mental health screenings on people wishing to purchase a firearm, emphasizing mental health education beginning at a young age, reforming healthcare, eliminating gun-free zones, encouraging citizens to obtain a permit to carry a concealed weapon, and banning military style assault weapons we can decrease the number of mass shootings occurring in the United States.
There is scientific evidence, such as restricting high risk individuals, such as felons and spouse abusers; from access to firearms, will reduce rates of violent crime. In case after case of mass shootings, we learn later that family members, friends, and even mental health professionals were concerned that someone needed help. Predicting violence is difficult, but identifying that someone needs assistance is not so difficult. This is where we need to readjust our focus and concentrate on helping people in distress. This approach requires not only a change in police policy but community mental health services that are oriented around
Since twenty-thirteen there has been at least one hundred sixty school shootings in America, these numbers are alarming. We should feel secure sending our kids to school not fearful. A subject to controversy in America gun control, currently in debate to prevent school shootings. Unfortunately, Gun Control is not the answer to school shootings, access to mental health treatment can prevent them.
A literature review of gun violence prevention is being undergone as part of this submittal. This research is important because gun violence has been a plague in the United States and the United Kingdom, among other places, for much of the recent century or two. This violence takes on two major forms. The first is general gun violence that is perpetrated as part of gang violence, robberies, burglaries, crimes of passion or spite and so forth. The other major form, which is both quite uncommon but very poignant and affecting when it happens, are school and other mass shootings like Columbine and the very recent Sandy Hook. There have been a decent amount of other school shootings and work shootings, but those are far and away the most notorious. Both were effected by very mentally ill teenagers or young adults that decide to go out in a bloody and perverted blaze of glory before they took their own life.
There have been a number of mass shooting incidents in schools recently. This violence has caused many casualties and injuries, most recently to innocent children. They never got the chance to grow up and live their lives. These unnecessary shootings have become a normal part of our lives. There are many adults and children who never got the chance to grow up in a world where they truly felt safe. People should not have to live in a constant state of fear when they leave or enter their homes. Adults and children leave their homes every day to go to work or school, but some never make it back home. We need to lessen the problem of gun violence.
Mass shootings believe it or not don’t make up a huge proportion of our gun violence. Suicide victims, women terrorized by their abusive partners and kids swept up into gangs are all in danger from guns, and each require distinct protections. Potential suicide victims need improved access to people who could get them help. Women endangered by their abusive partners, usually men, need to be prioritized by law enforcement who can enforce restraining orders that would prohibit these men from buying and owning guns. And we need to implement programs for kids that are at risk for violence and connect them with mentors that help keep them off the streets, and provide guidance to help them de-escalate conflicts.
In 1999, on a typical calm school day at Columbine High School, a mass shooting took place grievously resulting in 13 casualties. Along with these 13 untimely deaths, 21 more unsuspecting people were injured in this horrific attack (Shen, 2012). Relatives and friends of these innocent victims were devastated. Americans were shocked. It was an unprecedented incident which occurred in the peaceful learning atmosphere of a public school. No one saw it coming, and no one was prepared. Headlines, newsfeeds, and books raved about the daunting new threat to society. Now, school shootings have become somewhat of an epidemic. In total, the United States has suffered 44 devastating school shootings much like the one that took place on that average day at Columbine High School (Merino, 2015). The unfortunate tragedy of mass shootings is a threat that is not going away; therefore, America has a strong need for a solution to this issue. The protection of public schools against gun violence is contingent upon changing policies. Many precautions are currently set in place to try and solve this problem. Sadly, little has proven to be effective.
Advocating for mental health screenings would be less politically controversial than arguing for stricter gun laws however it would still be difficult to effectively implement the policy. Recent studies have shown that a majority of mass shooters have some form of mental health disorder or suffer from suicidal thoughts. Diagnosing and treating is often difficult because many do not visit the doctor on a regular basis making it impossible for them to be labeled as mentally ill; suicide rates have increased significantly in the past 30 years. (Lankford & Madfis, 2017) The broader social issues at hand need to be addressed as well in order for the mental health approach to work effectively; such issues include media coverage of mass shootings and how the shooter is portrayed to people as a whole. (Lankford & Madfis, 2017)