
Prevention Of The Limmex Emergency Watch At Singapore Polytechnic ( Sp ) Learning And Sharing Festival Organising Committee

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1 Introduction

1.1 Purpose
This report aims to highlight the innovativeness of the Limmex Emergency Watch to the Singapore Polytechnic (SP) Learning and Sharing Festival Organising Committee.
1.2 Background
Many deaths and injuries occur due to people not being able to call for help during emergencies which can actually be avoided. Limmex has developed a watch known as the Limmex Emergency Watch that not only tells time but also allow users to call for help in the midst of an emergency, thus improving their safety needs.
Limmex is an innovative Swiss company which develops, produces and markets solutions for personal safety. For more information on Limmex, refer to Appendix A.
Emergencies can occur at any time and certain people such as individuals with cardiovascular diseases, history of epilepsy or possible risks of outdoor sport injury may have a higher risk of encountering a sudden emergency. The Limmex Emergency Watch would assist people by effortlessly connecting them to other people in their time of crisis.
Through this, deaths and injuries can be prevented hence, enhancing the quality of the users’ lives.
1.3 Methodology
The information of this watch was taken from secondary sources, such as online articles from Hindawi Publishing Corporation. Information was also obtained from instruction manuals, brochures and from the official website of Limmex.
1.4 Scope
This report discusses the features of the watch, its components, how

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