
Primary Signification

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Barthes then explains that the sign itself can be the signifier and makes the new sign presenting specific ideologies through the secondary level of interpretation. While the first level of interpretation gives the simple recognition of the image, the second level of interpretation gives particular values and ideologies, which are called myth (Barthes 53). From the second level, Barthes suggests that the basic level is there to signify something else which reinforces the present socio-political values in society. For example, based on the view of first level of interpretation, the signifier is the shape of the photo and the signified is the recognition of the mother and her kid covered by a blanket in this photo. This is called primary signification (Jackson). In the second level of interpretation, viewer takes the signified of the primary signification (the mother and her kid) and invokes culturally spread ideologies such as motherhood, gender, and purity. This refers to secondary signification, which …show more content…

In other words, we can understand what the image looks like based on the several elements in the image. Specifically, applied to this photo, the signifiers are the mother, her child, the emergency blanket, the man, trees, and contrasting colors. At the view of primary signification, this image signifies the mother and her child wrapped in the emergency blanket. The mother and child are located in the center of the image with more vivid color than other objects. Other objects such as the man at the corner, trees and stonewall that the mother and child are sitting on have a dark and gloomy tone. Thus, in the first level of signification, we interpret the image in terms of what we can generally

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