A. What work values were ranked as your highest priority in choosing a career on the Prioritizing your values, assessment? And how will you use those values to reach your goal? My number one value is commitment and work ethic. I will say when it comes to commitment I stand strong on it. My work ethic is something I take serious; because I am doing something that I love and gives me a reason to even want to work. B. Do you agree with assessment? Why or why not? I like my number one value, however I do not agree with it being number one. I would say that mental challenge would be my number one. Due to I need to keep telling myself that I can do anything I put my mind to. Staying positive is what gets me through. Because a positive mind brings
2. Assess the importance of each value in your organization. Provide examples to demonstrate your assertions.
Having many values in my life, the assessment found three that stood out to me. Favorably, I am accustomed to helping others. If I see someone struggling with tasks or comprehension, I always try to help them understand. I can remember when I was a toddler how creative I was. I would often fill my days with telling my family stories and making up songs that my imagination couldn’t hold on to. Being 21 now, creativity has still been a major key factor in success. Thinking of ways to improve computer programs at work is part of the creativity. Being stable is the most important to me. Being without a job, a car, and money, are all key factors that could possibly hold me back from not having a successful career.
The values assessment had many different options to choose from. With having such a wide variety of choices, I had to make my decision very carefully. With a lot of thought, I picked helping others, independence, and tangible results. I believe that helping others is the number one characteristic that describes my personality. I constantly go out of my way to help other’s in need. Whenever I am out somewhere and there is an older person either coming in the door or going out the door, I always make my best attempt to hold it open until they are where they need to be. That small act of kindness goes a very long way because more times than others, they appreciate it so much. Seeing the smile on some people’s faces make the kind gesture worth
B. Choose what you think are the three most important in order, and justify your decisions.
The first of the top five values I choose was, balance: time for family, work and play. I am currently an Operations Assistant for ODU, with this job I can schedule time where if I would like to spend time with my family I can. The only stimulation is that I put in an advance notice. Second value of this activity is honesty: telling the truth and knowing that others are telling the truth. I apply this in everyday life, so why would it be different in my job? If someone ask me something and it’s bad new or an answer they don’t want to hear I just break it to them as gently as I can. Next up is location: work that is in a convenient place and an easy commute. I hate to drive a long distance, so I know if I have to travel a great distance I wouldn’t
career, civilian and military, the values that I relate most to are: Integrity, Respect and
My most and least important selections show that anything that relates to family and health is very important to me. I feel that family comes first. I would want their health over my pleasure and enjoyment. I also feel that honesty and responsibility are very important and being neat and tidy and having self control are on my lower end. I feel that if someone is honest and responsible I can trust them. I find trust very important in people. I feel that these show that I want to better others before I choose something that is pleasurable of myself. Trusting people will improve my management style because the more trust I have in a person the better a relationship is. Personally putting others first show that becoming a Physical Therapist will be beneficial. I will be able to work with others and be able to help others when they are not able to help themselves. My results for the Rokeach Value Survey show that I should be a caretaker. I have always been a person that takes care of others. I put others first a good majority of the time. I think becoming a Physical Therapist or a Nurse would be best for me. I would also be able to find pleasure in this job because I have the satisfaction of helping others. On the side I would also enjoy working/owning a gym.These will turn into major assets when it comes to putting the patient first. The patient wants the best care possible and by putting others before me I can accomplish that. I also feel that being honest and responsible are good strengths to have when treating patients. When working with clients at the gym they want the best coaching style as well. Helping with form and teaching them how to take care of themselves will be a major strength. My locus of control shows that I have a moderate internal locus of control. I agree with this 100%. I feel like my actions will later affect me in my
Based on the Clarifying Your Values exercise, my top five values are honesty/integrity, respect, equality, initiative and compassion. In comparing the exercise to the Core Value and Classical Virtues, I determined that my five values are similar. Equity and Compassion fall in line with my core values, because how I value the rights of an individual while seeking a harmonious community. I believe in making rational decisions, but I also value who a person feels and I take their situation into consideration. Honesty/integrity, respect and initiative are similar to my classical virtues: prudence and fortitude. It is important to treat people with respect and integrity, but you must also not fear taking
I can get very impatient sometimes, and I've lost many friends due to this reason. I was talkative and didn't spend time listening, now I tried to be an audience more than standing on the stage. Some of my friends said I've changed and they missed me being active, but I guess this is the price of growing up.
I totally agree with Branson in his article about roles of motivation in shaping the set of values that I adopted as my guiding composes in life. In light of the motivation I mentioned earlier, I say that my top values include self-control, determination, organization, as well as persistence and respect for hardworking. During my study year, I hated cheating and cheater. I wanted to be a truly excellent student as results of hard working. Therefore, I would consider honest as one of my important values. As I a leader I want to be a role
Honesty, Love, and Dedication. These three values are, what I like to believe, the core of my very being, the epitome of what I seek to become in life, and the three major moral virtues I seek in my relationships with others. Honesty - named first as its importance to me is primary - generates a safe, secure environment that allows for trust, friendship, and genuine understanding. It also serves as the basis for all other values and relationships due to its vigilant stability and moral foundation. Love is the second most important value I hold to my heart. Without it, I don't think any human could find their way in life. It is through the love of others, as well as the love we show ourselves, that has the ability to save us from our struggles,
The values I hold most importantly in my life would be the ability to be resilient, resourceful, approachable, discrete, and reverent. Putting all these values into action are what has helped me to carry on with my life and stand as how I stand today.
Looking into my personal self, the top personal ethical values that are highest priority to me in their order of merit include; honesty, integrity, trust, respect and responsibility.
An important value of mine is candor. I do not always voice my opinions, but when I do, I tend to be very straightforward and frank. Beating around the bush and sugar-coating things is not in my nature. However, this does not mean I am always honest. I am not, but I do value candor very much. I believe I get this from my mom and grandfather as both of them are the same way. I also value harmony. I love it when people cooperate and get along and when things work out . I will definitely refrain from voicing my opinions if I think my opinions will create discord between someone else and myself, just to keep the peace. Another important value that I hold is beauty. I believe very strongly in looking your best and dressing to impress. In addition,
While taking this assessment, there were a lot of values listed that I value, but since the assessment only asked to select three, it made me think about what are my top three values. After doing the process of elimination of which values that are not as important to me and analyzing my