
Pro Con Arguments Against Animal Testing

Decent Essays

What if the world stopped testing on animals? What if they started testing on humans? What if a family member of yours died from a non-tested product? All of this could happen because people think using animals for testing is inhumane. Human deaths due to unsafe products may also be inhumane. People should continue with animal testing for medical purposes.

There is no alternative that works as good as animal testing. “Pro Con Arguments” says that studying a smaller cell in a petri dish is sometimes useful but is not as helpful as testing on an actual complex structure, like an animal. They also say that animals must be used to prevent the need of using humans as subjects. When testing medicines that could cause harm or fatal events, humans should not be at risk of injury or in some cases, death. ¨American women use an average of 12 personal care products a day, so product safety is of great importance.¨ Animal testing is needed for these products to ensure the safety of the consumers.

Another reason is the medical advancements being made. “Understanding Animal Research” says that, ¨Thanks to animal research, primarily in mice, cancer survival rates have continued to rise. This means that lives are being saved. ¨Animal research and testing has played a part in almost every medical breakthrough of the last century. It has saved …show more content…

Many Americans are dreaming of the “perfect” long lasting and healthy life and some of that may be possible to achieve with animal testing. Animal testing is saving lives through breakthrough advancements in medicine. Plus, this is happening without causing extreme amounts of animal fatalities.If there was another way to test for medicine scientists would use it, but unfortunately, animal testing is the one and only

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