In today’s society there are many people and organizations that want to take gun rights from law abiding citizens. Most laws regarding firearm that are passed or even purposed make it harder to get a firearm, create less places to carry, or restrict what can be purchased. What about the laws that actually help protect people? What laws are affecting North Carolina campuses when it comes to firearms? Surprisingly, North Carolina is on a threshold of pro-gun legislation. In the past two decades North Carolina has become a “shall issue” state for concealed carry and has passed many pro-gun legislation. With the aspect of the second amendment and the meaning behind it, the law abiding citizen should be asking what politicians are doing for them. …show more content…
The active shooter incidents that the FBI used for this study occurred between 2000 and 2013. Although most of the 160 shooting would be considered to have happened in gun-free zones, the focus here will be on the 24.4% (39 shooting) that occurred on educational grounds. The study indicates that even though there were only 39 shooting at educational facilities these 39 shooting had some of the higher casualty counts at 117 deaths and 120 …show more content…
This astonishing expansion of licensing (beginning in 1987) has been accompanied by a dramatic decline in national murder rates. Although nothing specifically correlates these two actions, it is believed that the relationship between them is significant. This has become one of the largest argumentative points for the expansion of concealed carry legislation. While multiple states already allow, by legislation; teachers, faculty, hired security or other specific persons the ability to carry concealed on school grounds, they all require some specific
Active shooter incident occurrence have risen at an alarming level. In the eight years following the 1999 incident in Columbine, an average of five active shooter incidents happened annually. By 2014 that number had increased threefold (Fabbri, 2014). Law enforcement and rescue personnel should prepare to respond effectively should this scenario occur within their jurisdiction.
Active shooter events have been occurring for a very long time throughout our history. One case of domestic terrorism and school involved shooting happened on April 20, 1999. Columbine high School, located in Littleton, Colorado, two gunmen killed 13 people and wounded 21 others. Law enforcement agencies responded knowing they had to set up a perimeter and wait for S.W.A.T to respond due to the need of special tactics. The wait by Law Enforcement to make entry into the school, caused a delay in eliminating the threat. The delay and lack of preparedness by students, and staff,
Although most colleges allow students to bring guns on campus they do not allow them to be brought into class or administrative buildings. Many gun advocates would like to see gun normalized everywhere and a good way to that is to implement that is when people are young and developing their values and understanding of the world. The passing of campus carry laws have exploded in recent years favoring strong proponents the theory, if we provide the law to allow students and faculty to carry we remove gun free zones. Therefore protecting the population on campuses with the thinking that mass shooters prey on those schools with gun free zones. Several of the deadliest
The Second Amendment has given the right to individuals to keep and bear arms since December, 15th 1791. Even though this has been in the Constitution for 223 years, the issue of gun control and the right to concealed carry has been a growing issue in the United States. Whether citizens should be allowed to legally carry a gun has been a growing debate. In this paper, I will talk about the history of concealed carry, the different types of issuances among the states, and how to obtain your concealed carry license in Wisconsin along with providing concrete evidence with different statistics and stating the pros and cons of the issue.
In the first article, “The University should allow concealed carry,” by Andrew Parks, statistics are used to support his argument on allowing concealed carry at The University of Alabama. Parks includes the rarity of a shooting in Texas, his home state. He claims, “ The last time such a shooting took place in the general public was on Oct. 16, 1991” (Parks). The reason for the rarity of a shooting in Texas is due to the gun laws not being as strict as most states. Parks believes what many other Americans believe, that allowing citizens to carry firearms is a deterrent to crime and shootings. The following statistics prove Parks’ belief that conceal carry reduces
“Shooting massacres” in school settings, a new phenomenon within the past 50 years, are extremely rare events. Over 23 years, 1990-2012, 215 fatal school shooting incidents resulted in 363 deaths, equivalent to 0.12% of national firearm homicides during that time period …… Among these, just three shooting rampages – Columbine High School, Virginia Tech University, and Sandy Hook Elementary School – accounted for 72 (53.3%) of these 135 deaths. The frequency of random/ rampage shooting incidents in schools has remained within the narrow range of 0 to 3 episodes per year.” (Shultz, et al., 2013, p. 84)
Thirteen people were killed at Columbine High School in 1999, thirty-three died during the Virginia Tech shooting in 2007, and twenty-seven people, twenty of whom were children no older than seven, were killed at Sandy Hook Elementary School in 2012 (Kirk). These name only a few of the larger and most well-known school shooting incidences. In total, 297 people have lost their lives due to school-based shootings since 1980 (Kirk). Although this number may be small in comparison to death by guns overall, these instances are completely unwarranted and it is likely that they could have been avoided or at the very least reduced. These people, college and high school students, teachers, and even children, might still be alive today if our
Concealed carry and college campuses are two major topics currently in the media, yet these two topics are rarely used in unison, until now. The topic of whether or not concealed carry should be allowed on college campuses is a now mainstream debate with multiple views and numerous differentiating opinions. Many of the general public question if campus police is capable enough to protect a university’s enormous student body? Another commonly discussed issue is if concealed handguns actually do deter crime, and if they are capable of aiding in stopping a mass shooting spree? Or if guns on campus, carried by fellow classmates would make students as a whole feel more cautious or on the opposing hand make students feel more secure with guns carried on campus? If guns are allowed on campus, how will this affect a growing student’s ideology? These questions and many more are highly spoken of in our social media based generation, the answers to these questions help to improve our knowledge on this debate of concealed carry on college campuses, which will lead us to form our own individual opinions on this debate topic based on the facts and evidence presented.
Numerous studies have been conducted to determine if teachers should be in possession of a firearm while on school properties and if this will decrease the number and magnitude of school shootings. Many scholars believe equipping teachers with firearms will be costly and end up unnecessarily endangering more students, but many scholars claim that a teacher should be the last line of defense against a school shooter. The question this paper hopes to answer is how can equipping teachers who teach grades K-12 help to prevent school shootings in the United States. This paper will attempt to answer that question by examining the perspectives of school administration and law enforcement, the impact on student’s safety and education, the
The question of banning or permitting concealed guns evokes many more questions. According to Lott (2013), when the state legislative hearings were processed about concealed-handgun laws, the most usual concerns involved the problem of armed citizens who may possibly attack each other in the affected state that could follow car accidents, or even may accidentally shoot a dutiful police officer. However, the author argues, the evidence does not show the grounds for such fears: although 31 states have already had such concealed-handgun laws for many decades, there was only one case of a concealed handgun used in a shooting after a traffic accident. Moreover, that incident involved self-defense (Lott, 2013, p. 13).
For quite some time now, there has been big controversy about whether we should have the right to bear arms and how we should be able to obtain weapons / how we should be with them (gun control). The 2nd Amendment ties into gun control and stirs up a lot of debate. Some people believe it’s a danger to society, and some people believe that taking away guns would be taking away our freedom in a way. If we had stricter gun laws, people say there would be less tragedies and mass-shootings. But on the other hand, it’s said that we need guns to defend ourselves maybe in times like this. Although it’s in the Constitution some people just don’t agree and say that the 2nd amendment can be interpreted different ways. There is serious disagreement about whether guns protect liberty or threaten it (Waters, Timothy William, 2017).
School shootings have altered American history greatly over the past two decades. From 1997 to 2007, there have been more than 40 school shootings, resulting in over 70 deaths and many more injuries. School shoot-outs have been increasing in number dramatically in the past 20 years. There are no boundaries as to how old the child would be, or how many people they may kill or injure. At Mount Morris Township, Michigan, on February 29th, 2000, there was a 6 year old boy who shot and killed another 6 year old girl at the Buell Elementary School with a .32 caliber pistol. And although many shootings have occurred at High Schools or Middle Schools, having more guns on those campuses would not be a good environment for children to grow up in.
The Sandy Hook incident that took place in Newtown, Connecticut has caused a lot of people to rethink about the second amendment and even go on to alter it. A lot of people think that the availability of weapons for people is the reason for these shootings. It now appears that the cause that re started this entire episode which was the Sandy Hook incident will not be fixed by what the democrats are proposing as a solution will not be solved. It appears that the weapons Adam Lanza obtained from his shooting were actually his mother. Lanza's mother purchased the gun in accord with the Connecticut laws. It appears that the restrictive legislation that has been suggested for this state would still not reduce his access to them. Gun control basically refers to the various means of probation or restrictions on keeping weapons with a person. These restrictions look over not only the possession of firearms, but on the transport and use of them.
Gun control is one of the oldest laws dating back to the early 1800’s. It was approved in the southern part of the United States. During this period, the Georgia administration banned handguns, but the Supreme Court cancelled the law after some time due to the second amendment. The second amendment of the United States which says “A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.” has secured certain gun rights for Americans for more than two centuries. But, over the past years, more laws have been made regarding the purchase and usage of guns.
Teens these days suffer through a lot sometimes and this leads to them doing dangerous things like shooting up schools. School shootings have affected the school's attendance and test scores around where past shootings have happened(215 School Shootings in America Since 2013). They could happen at any time and at any school depending on if kids bring their gun(s) to school or not. School shootings are highly dangerous because of the way that they are increasing and how they are making schools get more security, but now researchers are starting to see why school shootings are happening.