
Pro Life Research Paper

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One of the biggest controversies currently talked about is abortion. Are you Pro Life (Believe abortion should be illegal) or Pro Choice (Believe the government should not get involved in abortion laws)? My opinion on abortion is that after 20 weeks abortion should be illegal and there should be a limit on how many abortions a person can have. I believe that after 20 weeks abortion should be illegal because after 20 weeks the fetus can feel the abortion. It is unlawful to harm an innocent being. I do understand however that killing an innocent being is also unlawful but in some cases women of rape would want an abortion. Women who can physically not give birth to a child are reasonably going to want an abortion because they and their child could both have harm or death for them both by not having an abortion. I think that if the parents do not want the child they should be able to decide that before the fetus is formed into a child who can survive in the world within 20 weeks. That is 4-5 months which is about halfway through pregnancy. It is cruel to let a child develop to where it is halfway to being born just to be killed in its womb. …show more content…

If abortion was illegal some women would still try to use unsafe or unprofessional ways to have the abortion. Abortion helps prevent overpopulation. According to philosopher Peter Singer, MA, Professor of Bioethics at Princeton University, abortion is a way to curb overpopulation.The United Nations estimated that the world's population will increase to 9.3 billion by 2050. Consequences of overpopulation include malnutrition, starvation, poverty, lack of medical and educational services, pollution, underdevelopment, and conflict over resources. With 43.8 million abortions performed worldwide in 2008, the population increase if abortion were unavailable could be

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