
Pro Life Vs Pro Choice Essay

Decent Essays

Abortion has been a global controversial topic. The advancement of medicine can cure illness but also take away the future lives of others. The United States has taken this scientific case into politics since the Supreme Court’s decision in Roe v. Wade, which made abortion a lawful policy. Previous presidents have outlawed and made constitutional the right to abort a child. Although many people disagree, others agree to the right of privacy. I will be conducting an experiment that is based on the right to abort a not-yet-existing human being. I want to learn the reasons, justifications, and beliefs on why the experementee chose pro-life or pro-choice. I will be interviewing millennials of both genders, mid-age women, and mid-age men as well. I …show more content…

The majority of men, 76%, picked pro-life, while the rest 24% prefered to go by pro-choice. Predominantly 58% of women chose pro-life, while 42% picked pro-choice. Overall, the average pro-choice percentage was 43.6% as to the pro-life category that was 56% of the vote. In the question, What influenced you to choose that answer, 40% of the people justified their answer due to their beliefs, 25% because of their religion, 29% because of the family values they preserve, 1% based on scientific explanations, and 5% due to economical circumstances. In the question, Do you think the government should intervene in this case?, 78% of the vote chose not to include government action, while the rest 22% voted to intervene. In the question, If a women’s life was at risk due to her pregnancy, is she justified to abort?, 83% of the voters agreed that a women should be justified while 17% argued they should not be exempted from guilt. The last question asks If abortion was to be illegal in the United States, should women be penalized for aborting? 72% of the voters disagreed on the preposition, while 28% agreed

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