
Probation And Parole Have The Luxury Of Allowing Criminals

Good Essays

Probation and parole have the luxury of allowing criminals to avoid prison time or to be released from prison after serving a limited amount of time from their prison sentence. Probation and parole don’t only have a job to do whereas, its much like a goal hence, to rehabilitate offender, guide them back into society, life skills and training and preparation. This transition can be very frustrating and difficult especially when the ex-offender has been locked away in prison for a long period of time. Help from the community, church, probation and parole is needed in order to help with a successful outcome. Throughout this refection paper I will discuss the types of assistance that should be provided to parole offenders and the concerns …show more content…

While probation only lasts a short period, there is still a lasting effect that many criminals have as a result of probation which stays with them throughout their life. Probation officers simply help with the transition from criminal back to citizen, allowing many offenders a second chance at life, rather than incarceration” (Rohan, 2014).
“First and foremost, programming for parole violators should specifically focus on cognitive-behavior treatment that involves coping strategies” (Champion, 2007) this will be beneficial with their transition back into society. Cognitive-behavioral programming is an effective model of treatment for offender. Cognitive-behavior program can help with social skills which will help offenders aim to increase self-esteem through heightening their own sense of values, worthiness, adequacy, and competence, in addition to helping one perceive a casual relationship between one’s behavior and its consequences. Cognitive behavioral therapy reduces recidivism in adults whereas the therapy assumes that the offender can become conscious of their own thoughts and behaviors and then make a positive change. It is believed that a person thoughts are often the result of what they have experienced, and behavior is often influences by those thoughts. In most cognitive beahvior

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