
Procrastination And Its Effects On Students

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Everyday students procrastinate. This is not something new, however. Procrastination is a behavior that started a long time ago. It is a phenomenon as old as the universe. Most students are seen procrastinating every day. Zarick & Stonebraker (2009) conducted a survey among students. They wrote:
As expected, the effects of procrastination are widespread. Only a single student claimed “never” to be affected by procrastination in any of the three categories and 42 percent admitted that they “usually” or “always” were affected in at least one of the three. About one-third admitted that the quality of their papers/projects usually or always suffered, and one-fourth said the same about their exams. Only about 5 percent of respondents usually or always turned assignments in late as a result of procrastination. (p. 212)
This survey shows the majority of students realize and admit their procrastination. The causes of this common behavior are due to increasing advancements in technology, work ethic, stress, and time management skills. Advancements in technology are creating distractions for students. Students are prioritizing their time with things such as smartphones, tablets, laptops, and Netflix. Instead of directing their attention to current assignments, projects, and tests, they are focusing more on the latest app or device. These distractions are taking student’s time and attention away from their schoolwork along with other chores and obligations. Some schools

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