
Production Of Biofuels By Virtue Of Yeast Fermentation Essay

Decent Essays

Introduction Production of biofuels by virtue of yeast fermentation has long been the center of debate in the scientific research community for many years now. It also has currently positioned itself as one of the most viable alternatives to reduce the carbon footprint and to develop environment-friendly fuels made directly out of natural ingredients. The term biofuel essentially implies the energy sources that have been developed from a variety of crops (Tabatabaei et al. 2015). The term biofuel was coined as a direct outcome of rising environmental problems and radical climate change attributed to an exposure to the environment to a variety of harmful gasses on a routine basis. Not only is fossil fuel limited in terms of quantity, but has also resulted in incurring several harmful impacts to the environment on a global scale (Stanbury et al. 2014). Yeast fermentation is among the most commonly used and widespread methods of biochemical conversion for the purpose of production of biofuels (European Biofuels, 2016). In the present day, a vast majority of vehicles, which is approximately 90%, run on petroleum as a fuel while only 10% of vehicles make use of alcohol as a biofuel (Explore Yeast, 2016). In general, the term biofuel exclusively refers to ethanol produced by virtue of carbohydrate fermentation through yeast cells. The process of the fermentation results in the yield of energy that is carried out by the cells in the absence of oxygen. Even though the process of

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