
Professional Development Program for Patients With CHF

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Patients with CHF Professional Development Program This presentation seeks to promote a new professional development program in Chicago's South Side. Each of these programs addresses a specific area of CHF awareness and education. Educating Patients Enhanced Assessment of Patients Enhanced Teaching and Learning Patient-Centered Communication Handoffs Post Acute Follow-up Mentor Program This Mentor Program is a program based on the needs and wants identified by participants. In addition, Discussion Groups, Case Studies and Special Programs can be implemented. These forums are intended for all patients. Discussion groups and case studies may form around the patients and caregiver's specific needs. Mentor Program Group discussion (large and small) Brainstorming Survey and data analysis Research of best methods of teaching and learning Feedback from doctors and patient Condition mainly affecting the elderly. The majority of patients are above 70 years old. Co-morbidities Diabetes, chronic obstructive lung disease, ocular disorders, osteoarthritis, dementia and chronic renal failure all contribute to low brain function Poor physical capacity Poor physical capacity and fatigue is also very common among patients with moderate to severe heart failure Poor socioeconomic status Since many patients with live alone and have a poor social support, no one can participate in the education process and provide support for self-care, thereby helping

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