
Professional Learning Framework

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Policies in early childhood setting support to protect children, families, educators and management. A range of professional disciplines, including teaching, learning, health, education and welfare, influences policy in the early childhood sector (Waniganayake et al, 2012). The purpose of this assessment is to discuss and understand the legislative, regulatory and ethical requirements, with the strength and issues of Serendipity Early Childhood Outdoor Environment policy and their overarching philosophy. The main aim is to determine where the strength and issues subsist, such as environment, safety, interaction and collaboration. These are supported with evidence from guiding framework, state and Commonwealth legislation and related frameworks. …show more content…

The philosophy states that the center is “ guided by socio-cultural approaches to teaching and learning”, but the policy simply states that “children can play together” (Swiburne Online, 2016). NQS Professional Learning Program [PLP] e-Newsletter (2013) states that “Becoming culturally competent is a clear expectation of the National Quality Framework (NQF) and features strongly in the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) and the National Quality Standard (NQS)” (Hydon, 2013). Related to the above statement, Early learning framework (2009) also states that “Cultural competence is much more than awareness of cultural differences” (DEEWR, 2009, p. 16) for children to understand and develop skills for effective interaction and communication with people across cultures. In the NQS Quality Area 3 (ACECQA, 2013), under the National law, all approved centers should be assessed and rated against NQS and the requirements of the National Regulations by the regulatory authorities for the “Quality Area 3: physical environment” (AQUEAS, 2013, p. 41) to ensure the protection of children’s safety, health and well being. Protection from harm and hazard (National Law: section 167 and National Regulation 116 must be mentioned within the policy.This helps families to understand the quality services of the center and enables parents

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