
Professionalism: What It Is and Why It Is Important in Nursing?

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Professionalism: What Is It And Why Is It Important In Nursing. Professionalism is a calling which requires specialized knowledge and often long and extensive academics. A professional is characterized by or conforming to the technical or ethical standards of a profession, that shows a carefully considered generally well-organized manner in the workplace. Being professional should be a subconscious effort in the fact that it should always be applied. When employees are professional it helps the system run more efficiently and safely. A person must meet a certain criteria when being evaluated on professionalism, a person is judged based on the clients, attitudes, values, communication techniques and approachability. Clients who display a committed, dependable attitude will benefit more from work exerted and overall be rewarded with incentives. Although professionalism may be in the eye of the beholder, a profession is defined as trade or vocation, mainly one that involves some sort of higher education or social training. Professionalism is a stature that the client must maintain when in the work place because of the standards he or she is held to. Some standards may be higher in different scenarios but a level of professional Nursing is a branch of medicine that deals with a health care of individuals, families and the whole human population. Its goal is to attain high standards of health, maintain optimal care and ensure quality life for patients (Donahue, 2010). It is an

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