
Professor Dunkin Monologue

Decent Essays

It was a sunny Monday morning before school, except we didn't smell the usual bacon or sausage. So we went down stairs and checked the clock. It was 12:30 P.M. Mom kept us home from school. We asked why, and she said “We are going somewhere that will change your lives.” My brother and I ran upstairs to get our stuff. Most people have suitcases that have their initials,but my brother and I are both A.C., so we have our names. Mine, Atticus Ceallach and his, Albion Ceallach. We both grabbed our suitcases, and packed whatever we could fit (which isn't a lot). As we were packing I saw a picture of me and my friend Brooklyn at summer camp. That was the next summer of my life. I thought about how much I would miss her, and a tear rolled down my cheek. I slipped the small …show more content…

Potions - professor swindle 9:30 A.M. Plant care - professor redwood 11:00 A.M. Care for animals- professor dunkin 12:00 P.M. Lunch 1:00 P.M. Care for animals- professor Dunkin 2:00 P.M. Art - professor crew 3:00 P.M study hall/ free write - headmaster demetrius You will need for your attendance to this school 6 standard size journals 1 large cauldron 3 different size plant pots 1 art set 6 quill and ink sets You will find all of this at wormwood alley in Ireland We wish you your best Headmaster Demetrius What power to speak to animals? I asked, you can talk to animals I have known your whole life” what about Albion I asked mum said Albion read your letter. Dear Albion (middle name) Ceallach We at Embers school for gifted children are pleased to inform you that we have accepted you into our school because of your talent to control the weather the following is a schedule of your classes and times 8:00 A.M. Potions - professor swindle 9:30 A.M. Plant care - professor redwood 11:00 A.M. Weather control- professor storm 12:00 P.M. Lunch 1:00 P.M. Weather control - professor Storm 2:00 P.M. Woodwork - professor

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