I believe that professor faden did nothing wrong in this video and this is not copyright at all. One reason that i say that he didn't do anything wrong is because he followed the rules of copyright and didn't take their ideas or anything, all he did was get short films from each movie and put them together to make a lesson that people need to learn. Which is to never copyright and or steal people’s work.
Another reason I say he did nothing wrong is because all he used was words that the characters were saying such as copyright, owner, allowed, etc. that's everyday words that people use if you think thats copyright there is something wrong with you. According to the third factor of fair use if you only use a certain amount of something and dont
The copyright on Eric Faden is fair use because it’s used to teach kids about copyright laws. He is not making any money off of the remix. He is not looking in making profit, he is simply educating. He borrowed very small pieces of Disney films to transform into a remix. He also cited all the movies he took, and gave credit to disney. Some people say it’s copyright because he didn’t get permission from Disney.
Throughout the video Faden uses a wide variety of clips from different Disney but he never uses more than he needs to. The University of Maryland University College’s guidelines for how much of a copyrighted work you can use include only using the amount you need, and not exceeding the expectation of how much you can use. Faden demonstrates this by using only what he needs to get his point
Fair use is the ability to use a small piece of someone's creative work without permission. One can claim fair use only if the work isn’t for commercial purposes, is for education criticism/commentary, news
For my character I chose Ellie from 14 Goldfish I chose her because she is the main character in my book and has a lot of character traits. The first character trait I think she has is lonely. I think that Ellie is Lonley because her friend Brianna is now hanging out with other kids and she has to hang out with her grandpa The second reason I think she is lonley because she misses her dad. Her dad is on a tour for his play and Ellie misses him a lot. The second character trait I think my character has is intrigued.
The audio assignment displayed digital citizenship under ISTE standard 5.b, which calls for the legal and ethical use of online materials available for students. Having created the audio file myself, there is definitely no copyright infringement.
There was a point in the videos pertaining to discipline, which I found to be very important. The video stated that when learning disabled students get in trouble, they often do not understand why because of their perception of the event or issue. It is important that teachers take the time to get a better understanding of how a student may have perceived a task.
Step 1: Summarize the video in your own words in no more than three paragraphs. (Suspicious summaries will be run through plagiarism detection software.) I WANT TO HEAR YOUR VOICE!
His writings exude who he was as a person and how much he believed in the Adult Learner. As I listened to him on the video, I could not write fast enough all the things he was saying or how much he was inspiring me and then the video was over. While both videos were 25 minutes each, I wanted to see more. Both scholars inspired me to understand more about the adult learner and to become self-reflective in my own style of learning.
Fair use is the right to use copyrighted materials without the copyright owner’s permission. Permitting limited and reasonable uses without permission as long as they do not prejudice the copyright owner’s rights or interfere with normal exploitation of the work. Thus, fair use is intended to allow the unauthorized use of copyrighted materials for the benefit of society, believing such use serves a higher purpose. But fair use has its limits, too. Section 107 of the Copyright Act states that:
The plaintiff claims that Mr. Faden is guilty of copyright infringement, from the mash up of numerous disney productions for the use of educational purposes of copyright and how the law works. I'm here today to defend Professor Faden, because i can prove that he is in fact innocent.
In conclusion, this video had an enormous amount of information and I feel that this summary does not do it justice. However as teachers we must learn and continue to learn all the correct ways in which to aid our students to reach their greatest potential. It is not about us any more, it is about the children and teaching them how to properly behave and treat others will eventually create a better and better
Eric Faden is an Associate Professor of English, he was hoping to teach his students and many people online about copyright and the rules of it. He also wanted to poke a little fun at Disney for being strict on copyright. The entire video was made up of various Disney movie scenes with no more than a few seconds each clip. He used the scenes to make up sentences of the copyright rules, what he did was very clever.
Copyright and fair use can be hard to talk about because when you use a video with copyright songs you can't see it. Fair use belief that not all copying should be banned, particularly in socially important endeavors such as criticism, news reporting, teaching, and research. Although the doctrine of fair use was originally created by the judiciary, it is now set forth in the Copyright Act. Under the Act, four factors are to be considered in order to determine whether a specific action is to be considered a "fair use."
Fair use is a defense to copyright infringement that essentially asks of any particular use; Is this fair?
Salman Khan was featured in a TEDTalk convention to deliver his speech, “Let’s use video to reinvent education”. As founder of Khan Academy, he reaches out to an audience about a technological innovation that can transform students’ learning. He effectively focuses his speech on how the use of online teaching videos can create one global wide classroom. As technology continues to advance over the years, Khan has pioneered a new educational approach that can benefit students and educators worldwide. Although Khan successfully informs the audience by setting himself up as a credible source on how online educational videos have the potential to revolutionize the educational system and prove to be an effective component in the learning process, Khan weakens his claim by dismissing the different learning styles of students and overlooking the financial aspect to using this technology.