
Program Planning For A Ged Certificate Program

Decent Essays

Introduction Program planning for adults that want to receive their GED certificate. There are many different steps that involves a good program for a GED class. First, you will have to take time to make a proposed plan for the program, which involves, the needs, objectives, goals, and the budget for the program. Specify what type of program that will be offered, how long the program will run, and how many spots are available for classes. This program should discuss, program planning, school dropouts, and the participants in the GED program.
Program Planning:
Program planning for, running a GED certificate program can offer many benefits for adults. They will benefit financial and personal goals that will help them to progress in life. One of the great educational and economic barriers to success for emerging adults is failure to complete high school. The planner will have to make sure that the program that is offered fits the adult needs. Every program does not meet the needs of each and every adult that does not have a GED certificate. Making sure that the program is feasible, time frame is open to the public with hours of operation for attendance, the building is capable for everyone, even the handicapped adults that need to attend. This program will definitely help emerge adults who did not complete high school a chance to receive their GED certificate. Research has proven that high school dropouts, have problems with negative outcomes associated with

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