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CS 2203 Unit 1 – 8 Self Quiz Review Questions

The main purpose of the information model is to inform software developers and provide protocol-specific constructs.
Select one:

Question 2
Which term describes each two-dimensional table or file in the relational model?
Select one:
a. Database
b. Relational Database
c. Data Warehouse
d. None of the Above

Question 3
If a relation has more than one candidate key the one chosen to represent the relation is called the:
Select one:
a. primary key
b. foreign key
c. alternate key
d. candidate key

Question 4
The first hierarchial DBMS was ____ and was released by IBM in 1968?
Select one:
a. IMS (Information Management System)
b. SQL
c. DB2
d. …show more content…

list all those who are resident and all those who have one child
b. list all those with 1 child
c. list all those who are resident
d. list only those who have one child as well as all those who are resident

Question 4
In strict relational terminology, an attribute is
Select one:
a. a table
b. a field
c. an entity
d. a record

Question 5
The entity integrity constraint says that if a relation R2 includes a foreign key FK matching the primary key PK of other relation R1, then every value of FK in R2 must either be equal to the value of PK in some tuple of R1 or be wholly null.
Select one:

Question 6
The primary key does not have to be unique in relations that have a one to many relationship.
Select one:

Question 7
A foreign key can accept a null value unless otherwise restricted by a null constraint.
Select one:

Question 8
Integrity constraints are rules that help ensure the

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