
Progressive Era Dbq

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The progressive era is an era of increased government involvement to protect the welfare of the people and this happened only because of the help of reformers during that time. The reformers had a lot of goals that they want to achieve, but their main goals were regulating child labor, improving working conditions and expanding democracy. And they were quite successful in their goals. The child labor was one of the biggest problem back there, and it was increasing rapidly. Almost every kid work, starting at very young age, when they are suppose to be in school. They used to work very long hours with very little pay. They worked everyday even though they are injured, and no one took responsibility to take them to hospitals. Things were not going …show more content…

The worker used to work in place which are filled with germs and diseases. The condition of the workers was really bad. Employees who work at meat industry has no nail, their knuckles were swollen and hads were criss crossed with cuts (Doc 1). Sometimes their fingers got cut out while cutting meat and their meat (fingers) got mixed up with meat and people used to eat that. Even after that they work until they completely loses their hands or arms. Many employees lose hopes and also their jobs, because of the strikes. Things were getting worse, up until Upton sinclair wrote “The Jungle”, his book was based on poor working conditions and unsanitary process in the meat industry. The book become really famous, even the president Theodore Roosevelt read it and after reading he started working on improving working conditions and other problems regarding meat industry. Roosevelt brought new bill along with the big stick policy and signed a Meat inspection Act that banned the use of unhealthy dyes (Doc 2). Factories started putting ingredients label on the products, so people know what they are eating and whether it is healthy or not. After that working conditions started

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