Jessica Nero
Project Fairness -Writing
Why do people do research? People research to find out facts and information, solutions to problems, and instructions on how to do things better. It can be a great and useful tool, but you have to be really careful of the sources you use because not all sources are credible. Doing research gives you a chance to pursue your interests, to learn new things, develop your problem-solving skills, and to find new ways to challenge yourself. Working on a research project with fellow coworkers gives you the chance work closely with one another and learn from a mentor, a faculty member, or other experienced researcher. With a self-initiated research project, you leave Berkeley with a product that represents the distillation of your interests and studies, and possibly, a real contribution to knowledge. (
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Start with a simple search. Search engines, such as Google or Yahoo! are great places to start when you’re first reading up on the assigned writing topic. Avoid Wikipedia. Print and digital encyclopedias, such as Encyclopedia Britannica and are excellent sources from which to gather material. But be careful of sites such as Wikipedia that allow multiple users to edit. Wikipedia is a great jumping-off point in terms of figuring out what to search for, but double-check all of the facts by using credible sources of information. Use online scholarly databases such as InfoTrac, LexisNexis and EBSCO, which provide access to the latest research in hundreds of areas.
When I begin academic or professional writing, I first review the intention and audience for the composition. I copy and paste requirements, writing prompts, instructions, etc. at the top of my document. Then I work on understanding each requirement, researching and adding notes as needed.
One of the subject in my course GLS 470 is a critical and most important part. I need to write research paper with 10-15 resources and as a non – native speaker it is very tough for me to write the paper. I was not aware how to choose the topic and how to begin? In meanwhile in the process I have learned and practiced three important skills which helped me to write my research paper successfully. They are brainstorming, writing ideas and peer review and finally evaluating the ideas.
From the post-civil war era, the civil rights movement, the Rodney king riots in Los Angeles, and even today the issues of police brutality have been under the microscope of certain groups in the United States. Every day in the United States there are almost 18,000 police departments that employ a total of 606,505 armed officers to defend, protect, and serve the public, according to a 2015 report from the Bureau of Labor and Statistics. reported that from 2000 to 2017 there have been 19,341 deaths of civilians by police officers, and in California alone there have been 3,781 deaths in that time frame far exceeding other states. However, the use of excessive force and possible racial bias trends among certain ethnicities
For, students who enrolled in a history class having a better comprehension of history is important. Mary Lynn Rampolla book A Pocket Guide to Writing in History provides a further detailed explanation of writing about history. Expanding and clarifying all skills needed to develop a well written research paper, as well as understanding history are experiences of how society was built. The first step to writing a research paper are sources. Evaluating, analyzing, and finding the correct source such as, a primary source, secondary source or in some cases tertiary sources are crucial to a successful research paper. Providing tips on how to distinguish primary sources with simple questions like when, who, why, where the will help analyze the sources. In addition, it provides a further explanation on citing, quoting, paraphrasing sources, as well as avoiding
The first thing you need when you write a paper is a strong foundation. Everything must start at the bottom and be built up. This applies to everything. It all starts with an idea. So start your paper with an idea, write them all down and
Aside from that, you may also create a note or something on how to start the article or how to end it. It would be easier for you if you had this outlined from the very beginning till the conclusion.
You want to make sure you have an introduction,body, and then a conclusion. Using Rhetorical strategies will help you tremendously when writing the paper. The rhetorical strategies are narration, description, examples, process analysis, comparison and/or contrast, classification, cause and/or effect, and definition. Narration is telling a story and making sure that story grabs the reader's attention. Description is using your word choice to paint a mental picture for the reader. Examples are when the writer uses specific to make a point. Process analysis is when the writer explains how something is done. Comparison and/or contrast shows similarities and differences. Classification breaks things down into different parts. Cause and/or effect explores the reasons why something happened. Definition explains what something
The college textbooks always suggest in order to write a good article there are several stages and several points that you should take and consider. For example before you start writing, first you have to brainstorm ideas, take notes, and make outlines. After getting everything in order, you have to decide what kind of article you are writing: a comparison and contrast writing, a cause and effect writing, or etc. Then you have to think of a good thesis statement, subtopic statements, introduction and conclusions, central paragraphs, and many more. Finally you have to worry about having sentence variety, not to use passive voice, not to have run on sentences, not to use too much ‘is’ and ‘and’. I do not know about
Disparate treatment may range from obvious discrimination, to subtle differences in treatment. Documination may be needed to file a complaint with the employment division in her state, based on discrimination by disparate treatment. Keeping a paper trail of documented issues in regards to discrimination is very important because these cases can lead to legal actions.
My first step in the writing process has remained relatively the same. I begin by reading the assignment sheet, and then begin brainstorming topics that I could use for the essay. Usually I come up with two or three ideas for me to explore, in case one topic does not have enough information to turn into a good paper. After thinking of a few ideas, I pick one idea that I think is the best, and I try to come up with a basic outline of the paper. Then, I search on Google and read a few articles that I find to see what information is available on the topic and how I can use the information in my paper. It is at this point where I decide whether or not to go ahead with the topic depending on what I find. If I continue on, I widen my search to databases and focus on more credible internet
The famous German physicist Albert Einstein once said, “If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called research, would it?” Often in the classroom and life in general, many people assume that in order to research something, a person must first understand it, but that simply is not the case. The whole concept of research stems from human’s natural response to the unknown and the desire to understand it; almost all humans have used research to comprehend and attempt to solve problems. Personally, I have used research a great deal for personal and educational reasons. In high school, I used research for historical and literary papers, in order to better understand concepts, and to discover resources for almost every class. I also
“The land of the free” is the motto of the country and the American people. This motto has made America what it is today, and has been an example of what America is known for, their freedom. The reason the American people are free is that they are protected by the Constitution of the United States. This Constitution protects everyone who resides in the United States, and provides for equality amongst all people. Over the past several decades racial equality has played a significant role in the making of history. America is a country in
In order to create a peaceful community that recognizes every person as an equal, racial justice would be one of the first steps to be taken for this idea to even be possible. Racial justice is defined as “a proactive reinforcement of policies, practices, attitudes and actions that produce equitable power, access, opportunities, treatment, impacts and outcomes for all.” If society would like racial justice to be successful we must focus on how we can transform our communities as well as what policies need to be removed and/or added to create a safer space. Trying to achieve racial justice gives us a chance to express some concerns regarding how and why racism came about as well as how we can come up with an idea that will create an equal ground
Reading and writing about literature can come hand to hand, understanding the initial text that you are reading in your literature is the key to being able to develop a well written paper about the literature. Without understanding the fundamentals that come along with understanding literature, and taking in appropriate steps into developing a understanding of text will result in an easier transition into developing appropriate organized writing about the literature with appropriate details because you are understanding the text being read.
I love learning about different research methods or theories. I took a research class for my Bachelor’s degree. I was the only one in the class that enjoyed it. My interest in research serves a positive influence in my career now. For any programming I offer I give a short evaluation. This helps me learn what could be better for the next time. The evaluations provide feedback for me to help my audience.