
Essay Project Management

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Djenane Jeanty Project Management Context Professor C. Lennon Module V 11.17.12 Abstract Project managers carefully manage slack on sensitive resource-limited projects (Larson and Gray, p.295). If possible, they will add slack at the end of the project by committing to a completion date that goes beyond the scheduled date. Eliyahu Goldratt (1997) advocates an alternative approach to managing slack. He championed the “theory of constraints” and has coined the term “critical-chain” recognizing that the project network may be constrained by both resource and technical dependencies (Larson and Gray, p.295). Projects often can exceed their planned schedule by a certain percentage, sometimes even 50 to 100 percent. Often this is …show more content…

Applying the CCPM approach to the projects To resolve these issues listed, I will report to Pinyarat that in Critical Chain scheduling, uncertainty is primarily managed by some or all of these methods. a) using average task duration estimates; (b) scheduling backwards from the date a project is needed (to ensure work that needs to be done is done, and it is done only when needed); (c) placing aggregate buffers in the project plan to protect the entire project and the key tasks; and (d) using buffer management to control the plan. In my report I will list these specific steps which Pinyarat can use in order to manage a CCPM: 1. Reduce activity duration estimates by 50%. Activity durations are normal estimates, which are known to be high probability and contain excessive safety time. Let’s estimate the 50% probability by cutting these in half. (The protection that is cut from individual tasks is aggregated and strategically inserted as buffers in the project) (DRM, 2012). 2. Eliminate resource contentions by leveling the project plan. The Critical Chain can then be identified as the longest chain of path and resource dependencies after resolving resource contentions (DRM, 2012). 3. Insert a Project Buffer at the end of the project to aggregate Critical Chain contingency time (initially 50% of the critical chain path length) (DRM, 2012). 4. Protect the Critical Chain

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