
Proof Fence Film Essay

Decent Essays

We are then shown the mask again and Monsieur picking it up. He then discovers her family photo in her luggage, which is very significant in establishing the fact that the husband has fully recognized the consequences of Madame’s abuse. By showing this, Sembene establishes a sense of life back into Diouana’s character, as Monsieur decides to return her belongings to her family back in her home village. This shot serves a crucial role in Monsieur’s next decision to go back to her hometown to make amends. This part can be categorized as a montage as we can hear Africa’s native music in the background as he is going back to her hometown. The music choice fits well with the scene to create the overall feel of the scene. The strange kids then show up just to serve a symbolic purpose. As the man leaves her luggage, the boy then takes the mask and puts it on his face. He then follows Monsieur until the end of the movie, this action serves more of a symbolic meaning than something a kid would actually do. The mask following the guy implies the guilt Monsieur has about his wife passively killing Diouana. When you look at it in another way, the kid serves as a personification of Diouana before she came to the couple’s house, all naïve and pure. The multi-layered meanings of this scene reinstate how ingenious the director is. …show more content…

This end shot of the kid is a close up of the mask and the boy taking it off with a very sad face is the perfect way to end the movie because it restates the meaning of the entire movie about how someone is mistreated and left in injustice. His sad face encompasses the overall mood of the movie expressing the downfall of an African woman working at the hands of privileged and abuse white Europeans in

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