
Proposal Analysis

Decent Essays

Evaluation The purpose of the proposed evaluation is to implement an approach to evaluate the amount of low-income individuals provided with goods, evaluate the perceived food scarcity in their low-income homes that receive goods, and provide data of the low-income residents served to community partners to promote ongoing community support. The intention of the Russell County Coalition is to provide food and clothing resources to low-income individuals, assess the monthly expenses of housing, electric, and other necessities to gather data on needs. Along with providing food and clothing to low-income individuals, the coalition will provide the LCAA with data and referrals of those individuals that need help with energy assistance, …show more content…

This evaluation is to assess the cost and the hours that are provided monthly to the Coalition.

Stakeholders The Russell County Coalition’s stakeholders are the partners, individuals, and groups within Russell County that take interest in the results and actions of the Coalition. The evaluation process is to grant these individuals with the reported needs within Russell County, the effectiveness of the program, the cost analysis, and overall results of the Coalition. The stakeholders will include the program director, the part time and full time staff, local churches, board of directors, and local volunteers. The program director/social worker will perform team management, program developer, help with the data collection and oversee data collection. The secretaries will assist with team meetings as needed, perform data collection, and oversee the inventory of goods. Local churches will help with the transportation of goods to low-income individuals that are home bound. The local churches will also provide support, donation of goods, build social support for the coalition. Board of directors, which will be the same board that oversees the LCAA, this board will provide employee support, offer help with community involvement, program development, and provide support with fund building and financial responsibilities.

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