
Animal Poaching Essay

Decent Essays

Why animal poaching is a problem that should be stopped, how it can affect the environment and why you should help prevent it.

What if your favorite animal was on the verge of extinction? People love going to zoos to get an up close and person look at non-domestic animals, but a lot of people don’t realize how popular animal poaching is. It is when an animal’s life is taken illegally, usually for valuable body parts, and the numbers of animals killed each year are increasing at alarming rates, for example studies show that: “An average of 96 elephants are murdered for their ivory in Africa , more are being killed for their ivory than being born, says To further emphasize my point, I’m going to state some facts that quite frankly should …show more content…

This was equivalent to the amount of at least 2,500 elephants.

- In 2012, 668 rhino’s lives were taken as a result of poaching in South Africa. January of 2013 it increased to about the amount of 946, these animals were being targeted at a rate of 2 animals per day.
- Since the beginning of the 20th century there were a few million elephants and exactly 100,000 elephants. Now elephants are considered an endangered species, appearently now there are about 450,000-700,000 African elephants and 35,000-40,000 Asian elephants.
- A 2010 United Nations report suggests that gorillas could disappear from large parts of the Congo Basin by the mid-2020s

Need I go further? Get the point? A lot of Americans don’t realize this and we need to pay attention to what this can mean for not only these beautiful animals, but for the environment if this continues. Here’s some reasons why this is serious. Poaching can cause a great decrease in the species of certain animals also known as extinction which can cause an interruption in the food chain, further causing adaptations of animals that are beyond our

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