The problem With Block Periods Do you really like block periods? Or do you feel that they are a waste of time that wasn’t needed at all. Block scheduling has no advantages and does more harm than good. We all know the block schedule at east but there are different types of schedules. One example is the 4x4 this is where you have one day with all of your classes the whole week and the rest of the week is all block switching every other day. According to Jeff lindsay the average human attention span is 25 minutes which is less than the average block period. While there are some advantages the cons outweigh it. When you miss one day of block scheduling you are missing more work than a normal schedule which can easily stack up as the week progresses
This issue is one that San Luis Obispo High School recently faced. San Luis Coastal Unified School District has two high schools, San Luis Obispo High School (SLOHS), operating under a traditional trimester schedule, and Morro Bay High School (MBHS), running on a semester-long block schedule. The district claimed that the current schedule at SLOHS was inequitable to all students within the district, as students at SLOHS are given more opportunities to take a variety of courses when compared to MBHS students. The district suggested that SLOHS propose an alternative schedule (not the trimester) or accept the "fallback" traditional semester schedule for the next school year.
There are multiple pros and cons of a four day school week. There are many different perspectives that a four day school week has and how it is view my students, parents and faculty. The five main key points that are continually looked at are finances, attendance, improved learning, time and supervision. These five points are also what helps a school districts decided what is best for their students and school. Have you ever wondered how your school and the students could have benefitted from a four day school week?
Sommerfeld, Meg. "More and More Schools Putting Block Scheduling to Test of Time." Education Week. N.p., 02 May 2016. Web. 24 Mar.
Under a year-round schedule, the students benefit by having smaller breaks, meaning they can quickly snap back to previously learned information. When information is stored, but not used for an extended period of time, anyone can lose that information. Due to the shorter breaks, students may find it difficult to find a summer job, or a job at all, but there are jobs that work with students or maybe just limit their time at the workplace.
Grant writing is a great skill to have, especially if you are planning to have a career in the criminal justice field. What many do not know however is that there are many different types of grants. Each type of grant has its own unique purpose, advantages, and disadvantages. These different kinds of grants include block grants, employment grants, program grants, technology grants, construction grants, and research grants. It is important to educate yourself on these different types of grants so that you can have a better understanding of the skills needed to be a successful grant writer.
As a student, having more frequent breaks could benefit students and teachers. “Although cumulatively there would be fewer days of, the frequency of school breaks would be much higher” (Top 10 Reasons). Normal schools have a summer break, two other breaks, and an assortment of different holidays (Top 10 Reasons). Additionally, if kids go to year-round school, which have more frequent breaks, they could have less stress.
This is how late start can affect
Wake County, a school using a year-round calendar, teacher Mary Brown says, “Our schedule offers the kids a break from school right when they need it...they didn’t have the bored, glazed-over look of kids who had been in school for weeks on end with no break in sight,” (qtd. in The Pros and Cons).
Have you ever found yourself in the same schedule? Repeating almost the same day over and over. Students with traditional scheduled schooling have to go 70 plus days before just a short break. If we had year-round schooling the most we would have to go to school before a break is 45 days. Plus students would be able to advance more quickly, teachers would be happier, and our school would have a higher grade point average. This is why year-round schooling could help the staff and students of linden schools.
Good afternoon students and teachers, thank you for coming today. I am here to talk about our schedules. I feel as though we don't have enough time in our classes and that we have too many classes a day. with the shorter class periods us, students have a harder time understanding the lessons being taught . Many students including me, have been overly stressed as we are trying to balance our class work/ homework with other extracurricular activities. I feel that with more class time students would be able to finish their work faster and not have to stress about it after school. There are schools that have tried switching to this new 4 block schedule and they have said that it's been successful. This new system would benefit the students so
Although this may benefit a lot of the students, it may also have the opposite effect on other students. These students “might become overwhelmed with the seemingly endless cycle of year-round school or struggle with focus each time classes resume after a short break”
After a schedule change, students and teachers have been having controversy about a four-period and eight-period school day. After two years of the new schedule, although calmed down somewhat, the controversy continues. An eight-period school day (traditional schedule) seems to be far outweighed by a four-period school day (block schedule). A four-period school day provides academic, educational, and emotional benefits when compared to an eight-period school day.
We also implement hourly rounds and we do it very similar to your facility. Nurses and techs take turns and while rounding we make sure to address the 3Ps (pain, potty, and position). Also before we leave the patient’s room we asking a key question “is there anything else I can do for you before I leave?” this really makes a big difference. On the other hand, we are making from the hourly rounds one collaborative effort, because it is not only limited to nurses and CPs, but we getting everyone involved, physicians, MSWs, PTs, OTs, speech therapists, dietitians, etc. Everyone is accountable and responsible for our patients’ care and wellbeing. This has absolutely had a positive outcome in patient’s safety and satisfaction by not only meeting
As Charles Ballinger and Carolyn Kneese indicate in their book, School Calendar Reform, “A balanced year-round calendar provides a logical pacing of instruction, followed by regular breaks. Refreshed by the breaks, teachers and students return ready to work” (Wat). With regular breaks it gives the brain time off to come back ready to learn. Year round schooling with frequent breaks have a more steady pace of learning to prevent learning loss. Hanover Research reported year round schedules propose systems diminish the chance of teacher burnout, student stress, and dropout rates.
The first day of my observation hours I went for around 4 hours and I realized that it was kind of hard for the students to realize that I am at college and that I am here to observe and participate in teaching lessons with the teacher. I observed an Honors Algebra class that was on a block schedule around 1 hour long. I really enjoyed and loved the fact that these were block schedule classes because I would see