
Pros And Cons Of Border Security And Immigration Enforcement Improvements

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Executive Order 13767 was issued January 25, 2017 under the authority of the United State’s president, Donald Trump. The order, Border Security and Immigration Enforcement Improvements, states that the United States is to begin the immediate planning and constructing of a contiguous wall bordering the United States and Mexico. It also demands that the Department of Homeland Security hire an additional 5,000 Border Patrol Agents whenever it becomes practical to secure the wall in order to establish operational control of the barrier. It prioritizes the removal of deportable immigrants charged of any criminal offense and ending the abuse of parole and asylum provisions that prevent the authorized removal of aliens. This order was created to alleviate the threat posed by illegal aliens to national security through the prevention of unlawful entries into the U.S. This legislation does not only affect illegal immigrants and the local communities in the border states that aliens are placed into, but also the citizens of the United States and Mexico. The executive order will further prevent the entrance of illegal immigrants into the United States more efficiently with Trump’s …show more content…

The Federation for American Immigration Reform estimates an annual cost of $113 billion on the nation’s taxpayers due to illegal immigration. Also, illegal workers take jobs from American citizens and are often hired because they work more and can be paid less than Americans. So if illegal immigrants were kept out it would open up more job opportunities for citizens. However, immigrants take on physically demanding jobs that the average citizen would not be willing to do even for fair compensation, leaving many jobs unfilled and in need of workers. Economically, America would suffer both positive and negative consequences for decreasing the amount of people entering the U.S. illegally through the

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