
Research Paper On Cry It Out

Decent Essays

“You are going to spoil that baby!” “That baby needs to leaern to self soothe.” Both of these are common sayings that new mothers often hear. They are both major reasons why some caregivers are choosing to instill and use the “cry it out” method. Letting a baby cry it out means letting a baby calm themselves and learn to make themselves stop crying. This method or parenting choice can cause long term and short term harm to a growing baby. The method goes against basic parentig instincts. A parent has to fight the urge to go get their child when they hear them cry. There is absolutely no way a person can spoil a baby.
Almost all caregivers care and love their child more than life itself. A caregiver wants to do everything to help their child succeed and flourish. Sometimes though, a caregiver questions themselves. This happens especially when a family member or friend tries to give advice. Someone tells the parent that they are going to spoil their child if they answer every cry quickly. As a mom myself I know no one wants that stereotypical, fit throwing, demon like chcild. So the parents listen and …show more content…

Letting a baby cry for extended periods of time can cause increased heart rate, high blood pressure, over heating, vomiting, and even SIDS. Imagine putting the baby down and listening to screaming. The baby’s face is all flushed, tears rolling down their face, body shaking unctontrollably. The baby gets so worked up that they begin to vomit. The parents aren’t in the room, so the baby remains covered until they fall asleep or until an adult decides to check on them. That’s the nicer outcome, the sadder outcome could be SIDS. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. Maybe that baby just needed to feel secure, or maybe they have a headache, or their teeth or tummy aches. Something so minisicual turns into death just because someone wanted to teach a baby to self soothe. It is not worth the

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