
Pros And Cons Of Defensive Driving

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Every time a driver gets behind the wheel your life and others are at risk, driving is risky and unpredictable. However, becoming more familiar of driving defensively can lower the risks. Following the tips and precautions of defensive driving can help the driver become more cautious and responsible on the road.
Think safety first, having a vehicle that operates correctly. Always, check the vehicles brake lights, tires and make sure the vehicle is functioning correctly. Being comfortable driving in a vehicle is important. In each vehicle an instruction manual should be present, each driver of that vehicle should be familiar with the manual and always look over what it has to offer.

Eliminate Distractions, driving is a task that needs attention, on the road there is always something to observe like the speed limit, traffic laws, and the vehicles around you. Being distracted even for a second can be life threatening. People who have been driving for a while get over confident in their driving abilities and let their driving skills …show more content…

When the car ahead of the driver slams on their breaks at the last minute, it important to be able to react quickly to unpredictable things. Obviously, alcohol and drugs including prescriptions and over the counter drugs, can affect a drivers reaction time and judgement when driving. It’s important to know your limits and take precautions when operating a vehicle.
Keep a safe distance between vehicles, since the vehicles on the road are unpredictable using a three to four second rule will help the driver establish and maintain a safe following distance and provide adequate time for safe braking procedures if necessary. This is a good method to follow, and will help keep a safe distance. Also, it is a good idea to increase the distance depending on the weather conditions. It never hurts to be too safe when operating a

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