
Pros And Cons Of Genetic Research

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Recent advances in biotechnology have enabled the practice of genetic testing to become more assessable. Genetic testing holds a great number of benefits, such as early diagnosis, or personalized treatment. Although there are some limitations and disadvantages. Genetic testing can only tell someone so much; it doesn’t indicate a definite conclusion as to if a disease will even manifest itself or how bad the symptoms may be. Even with these limitations I believe that the benefits far outweigh these disadvantages. In the 1970’s genetic testing really took off when it was discovered that chromosomes could be examined from extracted fetal cells (Press, 2008). Also at this time new born screening became a norm when testing for PKU. Similarly, …show more content…

There is a possibility of discrimination by insurance companies, they could refuse insurance or increase premiums to those with the potential of developing a debilitating genetic disease. Similarly, most employers must provide insurance for their employees. A potential employer may not hire a person with undesirable genes because they would become a liability (1998). One study found that out of 42 genetic discrimination incidences, all but two involved insurance or employment institutions (Billings et al., 1992). All individuals included in this study where either asymptomatic, had a nonfatal condition, or may be at risk for a genetic disease but have yet to be tested. Because of this obvious problem the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act was passed in an attempt to protect those who have undergone DNA …show more content…

I support the continuation of research working towards improving the technologies and uses of genetic testing. Benefits include the ability to inform a patient of a predisposition to addictive behaviors, testing could catch a disease early, such as cancer, allowing for better treatment options, and the ability to personalize those treatments by adjusting dosage of a drug accordingly (Khoury et al. 2006). The population as a whole would benefit from regular use of genetic testing, it could improve the quality of life for those who will develop a disease, and could give those who may be predisposed to a genetic disorder peace of mind. Personally I would want to know if I had a terrible genetic disease because I could mentally prepare for the day symptoms begin. There’s always a possibility that someone has an idea on how to treat said disorder and I could participate in research to help future generations with the same disease. Knowing would also allow me to live life freely, without the uncertainty of whether or not I will develop symptoms. Similarly, if I did choose to have kids I would want them tested for any preventable genetic disorders so treatment could start as early as possible. For example, PKU is a disease that when caught early it can be treated. For example, Khoury et al found that health risks associated with PKU could be reduced from 1 per 20,000 individuals showing severe symptoms to 0 by

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