
Pros And Cons Of Homeschooling

Decent Essays

Are there any benefits to homeschooling your children? Some people believe that there aren’t. They argue that parents who homeschool their children are depriving them of the experiences and independence that traditional schooling provides, giving their children unfair advantages in relation to their schoolwork and believe that these parents aren’t educated correctly to homeschool their children. While this may be true, my hope is to show those people that even though there are differences in homeschooling and traditional schooling, homeschooling is not as detrimental to children as one might think. I don’t want to change their mind. I just want to show them that traditional schooling is not for everyone like they might believe and that homeschooling may be a better option for some families.
I interviewed Amy Parmer, a mother in my community who homeschools her children, in order to get some perspective on what it’s really like to homeschool. It’s one thing to read about the pros and cons of homeschooling, but it’s completely different to hear it and witness it in person. In this interview, I asked her some of the same questions that I researched and wrote about below. I found it interesting to hear what she thought about homeschooling and the reasoning behind why she decided to homeschool in the first place. I think the biggest reason that people are against homeschooling children is, because their parents aren’t professional educators, homeschooled children will not be

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