
Pros And Cons Of Legalizing Medical Marijuana

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Medical Marijuana “To use or not to use?”--that is the real question at hand. Medicinal marijuana can be used for healing processes but can also have some side effects. Marijuana recipients can abuse the product and make it, as the article says, a “wider distribution”. (“Pros and Cons: Should Marijuana Be Legalized for Medical Purposes?” 1) Medical Marijuana has many purposes such as physical, psychological, and industrial benefits, but the product does have downfalls as well. The pros of legalizing marijuana can range from many varieties. Medical marijuana can help stop chronic pain, glaucoma, nausea, pain, movement disorders, and can also act as a stress-reliever. Patients that suffer from epilepsy can get relief by cannabidiol, a chemical …show more content…

Gliomas is cancer in the brain and has no known cure for the malignant tumor. Cannabinoids' can help moderate glioma cells and “inhibit the proliferation of other various cancer cell lines”. (Bello, Joan, 1) The slowing of cancer cells growing and reproducing can change a big part of Science. When you are “high” the “left brain perception is heightened, while, at the same time, right brain reception is enhanced” (Bello, Joan, 1) which means more clean blood is sent to the brain. Cleaner blood means more oxygen is getting to the brain and causes clearer thoughts. Another good things about the blood being highly oxygenated is it cleans out the toxicity.This can leave you feeling refreshed.
If you are feeling down, depression, or fear medical marijuana can balance your Autonomic Nervous System. It can make your body feel relaxed and energized. That feeling of being energized can give you hope that you are going to get better. Medical marijuana can give you that push you need to psychologically be okay. Instead people take “tranquilizers and antidepressants relax the body and release tension, but the state of mind associated with these drugs is “unconsciousness” whereby we escape rather than resolve our dilemmas”. (Bello, Joan 1) By using marijuana for pain relief a patient can avoid the potential addiction to other pain killers, opiates, and alcohol. Medical marijuana can give you that …show more content…

Everything is starting to become overwhelming not only for the people taking the medicine, but for the doctors who take care of the overdoses, the family members dealing with the family member, and the taxpayers. So the real question everyone is asking, stated by Stuart from The Huffington Post, is “With marijuana on the verge of legalizing one must conclude to one simple question, is it worth the fight against marijuana or should the government legalize it?” Say the United States did legalize marijuana, it would have great benefits for the country, but then there is also the negative side. The positive would be all the tax dollars our economy could earn with legalizing the marijuana. Helping out with some of the debt we have created. The negative of legalizing marijuana would be letting teenagers and possibly even kids the open opportunity of having this in their life and causing more overdoses than what we already have from the people doing marijuana now. Also Stuart said it best, “Scientific evidence points to the abuse of marijuana leads to, 75% of the time, the use of harder more harmful drugs. Legalize pot and you might as well legalize all other drugs because they're going to be in demand as the marijuana smoker desires a better

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