
Pros And Cons Of Religion In Islam

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Following the terrorist attacks on 9/11 American’s began hearing unfamiliar words like jihad, martyrs, and holy war. In the day’s to follow cable news, newspapers and social media outlets were flooded with Anti-Muslim rhetoric. Internet sites broadcast cockpit recordings of the Islamic extremists pledging allegiance to Allah before impact as if to say God had approved. As debris from the towers fell and cleanup began American’s were learning about the Qur'an, the central religious text of Islam which condones such acts of violence. The Anti-Muslim rhetoric created coast-to-coast panic, and Christians who once accepted Muslims as a peaceful assembly began to question their loyalty to America and our way of life. Muslim groups began comparing the violent passages contained in the Qur'an with those inscribed in the Bible. They determined violent acts committed by Christians, particularly in the Old Testament were no less violent than ones commanded by the prophet Muhammad. And despite any controversy around violence the Muslim population continues to grow worldwide and possibly will someday surpass Christianity as the world’s largest religion.
Islam and Christianity are the two primary religions around the world. Through religion individuals build communities, sustain local cultures and help to carry on century old traditions. In many ways religion has played a key role in establishing local governments, legal systems and influencing good law and order. Followers of

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