Even though space stations are significant, they are a money consuming project. Fourteen point five percent of America is in poverty, which could be drastically changed with the money that is put toward space stations. Although both can benefit people's, lives can be saved with the money the government spends on space stations. The estimated percentage of American households that were food insecure decreased significantly in 2015 to twelve point seven percent of U.S. households. Fifteen point eight million households, approximately one in eight are considered living in poverty. This is down majorly from 2014, when fourteen percent of households, were living with not enough food. With just a little money put toward this, it would do wonders
According to a pie chart called, “Federal Spending for United States - FY 2015” from the NASA Data Charts, the budget for space in 2015 is not a percentage significant enough to have its own section. Instead, it is a subsection of the heading Other Spendings, which is given 2% of the federal budget. Also, in the Neil deGrasse Tyson article, it is said that the American government only gives a 7/10 cent of a tax dollar to space exploration (Tyson 2). He gives a brilliant resolution by saying, “ I’d prefer that it were more, perhaps 2 cents on the dollar.” even though we used to “. . . peak NASA spending amounted to no more than 4 cents on the tax dollar”. One of the most important technological advance was the invention of the Hubble Space
It was difficult to read that countless millions of federal dollars and many of our country's most successful efforts to halt the spread of childhood hunger and starvation have recently been withdrawn. And as a result, this problem of childhood hunger is not getting better but is actually getting worse. The most recent estimates compiled by the USDA in 1999 indicate that 36.2 million Americans live in food-insecure households, which means that their access to adequate and safe food is limited or uncertain. This too is very disturbing information.
Although it is true that there is no concrete outcome “for using taxpayer money” to fund space programs, it does not mean in any way that the money is not being used to help our society grow (Source H). The bulk of the money funded to space exploration goes towards the incomes of thousands of skilled employees who create such successful space missions. It can be assumed that less than one percent is being used from the federal dollar on manned space programs, as space exploration falls under the “All others” category which spends six percent of every federal tax dollar (Source C). Space exploration programs have the potential to discover new technologies and expand on what we have here on Earth, but in order to succeed, there needs to be slight altercations with how each federal tax dollar is spent. National defense gets nineteen percent of each federal tax dollar – a proportion that is too extraordinary considering the United States has access to a nuclear arsenal which is far less expensive and just as effective as maintaining conventional forces (Source C). The United States is pretty much the military for half the world, so instead of collecting all the money from our tax payers here in America, we should collect from other counties that we protect as
Did you know that 17% of Americans in rural areas live below the poverty line, and out of those 17%, 15 million of those individuals are children? (Hunger In America 2014). The month of September was Hunger Action month and many individuals helped raise awareness by taking the Food Stamp (SNAP) Challenge. This challenge consists of an individual living on the SNAP balance of a $6-7 per day budget for food. Many individuals came to the realization that this is a difficult budget, and does not meet the nutritional needs for a family.
There are many people in America who cannot afford their basic needs. In Connecticut alone, thirty eight percent of the states population cannot afford to meet their basic needs, such as food (New Haven Register). The meal gap, the difference between the amount of people who can and can 't afford food, is a major problem in our state. However, an even bigger problem is the lack of knowledge about the systems and programs that can help those who cannot afford food in the vast majority of people that need this help. These programs would also allow for an increase in the federal funding through incentives given out by the government. An easy way to lower the meal gap would be to find ways to spread awareness about these programs to those in need, thereby lowering the meal gap and increasing federal funding, allowing the government to help more people.
Did you know that in 2014 there were 48.1 million Americans that lived in food insecure households? When a household is food insecure, it means that its residents have trouble meeting their basic nutritional needs due to lack of money or
Reports from Feeding America, 42 million americans go hungry every night(CNBC). Nearly 1 in 7 Americans go to bed hungry at night. Also with 15.8 million U.S households didn’t have food to eat at some point. Last year the government handed out $74 billion in food-assistance benefits about double the level of 2008(CNBC). As of 2016, there were 95 million americans without a job in the workforce(CNBC). Over 20 million children in the U.S will have received the supplemental nutritional benefits also known as food stamps. With new restrictions on food-stamp eligibility, in the form of work requirements, mandatory drug testing, and so on. It’s ironic the world's “richest” country has nearly 1 in every 7 americans going to bed hungry. With all of the food this country prepares through schools, restaurants or even at home think about the amount of food being wasted and thrown away throughout only half of the
In 2013 almost 86% of households in america were food secure. This means that 14.3% of households in America were food insecure (meaning they were not able to provide food for themselves). 5.6% out of this 14.3% had extremely low food security. This means that these households had no money or resources available to acquire food. Although this amount of people being food insecure may seem high it has been slowly declining. In 2011, the amount of households that were food insecure was 14.9%. This decrease might seem very small, but in reality it means that thousands of households are now food secure.
American citizens have to pay taxes and some of that money is going towards space exploration. With a 12.7 trillion national debt and high unemployment in the United States, Americans simply aren’t willing to invest in human spaceflight right now (Naeye). America is not in a financially stable place and people feel the money should be used to do more useful things such as funding schools and repairing roads. However, American citizens are only having to pay 33 dollars a year to fund these programs (Life’s Little Mysteries Staff). Also, exploring space is very useful because exploring space has helped scientists learn many facts about all the planets, suns, and moons in the solar system plus about the other systems out
For a nation of 323.1 billion people, it is astonishing to see the people of America unaware of some situations. According to The Center for Poverty Research, in 2015, an estimated 43.1 million Americans lived in poverty according to the official measure. We are not doing enough to help those in need. Of course there are places for people to get help but so many people are struggling. “In 2015, 12.2% of men lived in Poverty USA, and 14.8% of women lived in poverty” (The State of Poverty). As a nation, we could try to be more considerate to the people that need help. “Overall, the typical American defined as poor by the government has a car, air conditioning, a refrigerator, a stove, a clothes washer and dryer, and a microwave” (How Poor is America’s Poor?). Some people suffer silently. They may have all of these things but they will always be in need of assistance. Our government has ignored the poor people of America and it is time to take action. Already, there are food
Would you rather be without food or see your loved ones without food? Due to the amount of resources and materials we now have, neither of those should have to happen. People throughout the centuries have lived outside but they needed food and water to survive. Around the world food and water have been a necessity since the beginning of man. While shelter is a very important part of a human’s life, food and water are the essentials to life and work. Food is the most essential basic necessity for people living in poverty because the community does not truly understand the importance of food, soup kitchens are easily accessible, and food stamps and school lunch
The best solution to limit food insecurity it to have both factors incorporated along with the help of community like yourself. Leave the government’s duties to the government and the individual duties to the individual and leave the community duties to yourself and your community. The root of this success started with your contribution as a volunteer. Volunteering is the simplest outlet to begin helping the in solving the overall objective of limiting food insecurity in America. It is essential to those in your community that you continue to volunteer. I even hope that you could eventually go further than volunteering and more towards interacting to help with the learning portion of the
Space is a place where no ground can be felt, sound can’t be heard, and every direction is endless darkness. There are people who spend their lives studying space and how it differs from Earth. With the help of experts from 15 nations, The International Space Station (ISS) has been built. The space station travels in our orbit at 17,500 miles per hour and orbits the earth every ninety minutes. The ISS gives scientists a better understanding of how life works in zero-gravity.
The 2015 Statistical Analysis Poverty Level Data report shows in the United States, there was an increase in which families’ are able to provide food per person within their household. After the devastating financial and economic crisis in 2008, families have been in financial detriment for years trying to maintain consistency in providing food, support, and shelter. Not until the government 2015 report, there were clear evidence of a sufficient rise in food surplus in low income families since 2008. According to the governmental statistical report, 14% of households were suffering from food deficiency. In other words, 17.5 million households, approximate one out of every seven homes could not provide nourishment on a regular basis. This estimate is down from the last statistical data recorded in 2011 at 14.9%.
In 2014, a foundation called Feeding America did a survey on the people they serve and found that in order to stretch their food budgets 79% of them purchase inexpensive and unhealthy food in order to stay fed. This can seriously impact their health, because no matter the age, healthy bodies and minds require nutritious meals. In some cases, food insecurity can even lead to Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease and obesity. These are just a few examples of why food insecurity is so harmful. Fortunately, there are many organizations, clubs, and foundations that are committed to ending hunger in America, and eventually the world. The first step to solving this problem is spreading information, and realizing just how dangerous food insecurity is, and who it affects. After learning these things, you may want to help and there are many ways to do that. I’m sure in the past, you've donated food to the annual canned food drive our school puts on, and that’s just one way you can contribute to solving this problem. There are many organizations that ask for donations and will put your money to great use, for example every dollar you donate to Feeding America will provide 11 meals for a child in need.If you don’t have food or money to donate, you can donate