
Pros And Cons Of Speeding

Satisfactory Essays

I received a speeding ticket on Sunday 04/17/16 for speeding, ticket number 13313. The Officer who stopped me and issued me the traffic infraction told me I was travelling at 49mpg in a 35mph zone. I am not from the area, and I thought the speed limit was 45 mpg. While this is not an excuse, as I should have been paying closer attention to the speed limit signs, I wanted to make it clear that I do not drive, and do not think it’s okay to driver that much over the speed limit.

I am a Police Officer myself, so I know that if I was travelling at 49mph in a 35mph zone, I rightfully deserved the infraction, but I was like the infraction to be deferred from my record, because I believe I am usually a responsible driver and I will learn from my

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