
Pros And Cons Of The Stamina Instride Cycle

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Stamina InStride Cycle XL Review
Exercise Bike Reviews: The Stamina Cycle XL Tries

Have you ever wanted an exercise bike, but didn’t really have the room or money for one? The Stamina InStride Cycle XL is a possible solution to this problem. Exercise bikes have a tendency to take up quite a bit of room. In addition, they are sometimes costly to those of us without hundreds of dollars to spend on one. Sure, we can get a gym membership, but then we are back to the whole cost thing with the price of memberships nowadays. The Stamina Cycle isn’t really an exercise bike, but it tries to be one—sort of. You can find the Stamina InStride Cycle XL review below. Features of the Stamina InStride Cycle XL • Seatless-exercise cycle with electric progress monitor
• Sturdy rubber straps hold feet or …show more content…

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Stamina InStride Cycle XL Review Conclusion The Stamina InStride Cycle XL tries its best to provide an alternative to those that aren’t ready to invest in a true fitness bike. Exercise bikes can be expensive and somewhat of a hassle for those of us that live in small homes. The Stamina Cycle is offered at a fraction of the cost and size. The problem with this cycle is that it doesn’t really substitute for the workout you would get if you utilized a true exercise bike. You can work up a sweat if you are prepared to deal with the noise and awkwardness of this little machine. Some customers really seem to love this cycle, but it isn’t really our cup of tea.

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