
Pros And Cons Of Urban Sprawl

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Pros and Cons of Urban Sprawl
According to Meriam Webster, Urban sprawl means “the spreading of urban developments (such as houses and shopping centers) on undeveloped land near a city”. It is a result of industrial development in the process of modernization. Industrial production and operation need a specific division of labor and areas of land to build plants. Thus, more places are turned from farmland or natural areas to concrete buildings and pavement. People have long debated the advantages and disadvantages of urbanization.
According to Home Guides, proponents argue that the main reason for urban sprawl to continue is their high economic efficiency. Compared with rural areas where stores and working places are embedded in residential areas, urban areas have different districts with different functions. Once plants are built close to each other, it will be easier to create integrated business systems by arranging various sections in different plants in the same region. This is helpful to economic growth because corporations with larger sizes make bigger deals, which brings more profits. What’s more? Urbanization can lead to a boost in the local economy. Throughout the process, farmland will be removed, factories will be constructed, negotiations will be made between companies and local governments, and new departments will be set up. All of these need human resources. A rural area used to base its income on agriculture is faced with a sharp rise in demand

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