
Pros And Cons Of Walmart

Decent Essays

In the following essay, I will state a few reasons why Wal-Mart Stores Inc. is one of the most detested companies in the United States. I believe it is more a love-hate relationship as long as numerous people are looking for the lowest price when they consider buying anything and consequently, many people buy their things at Walmart.
Walmart is a price Maker. Accordingly, they can decide how much they want to pay for a certain good and if it is still realistic they will find a producer or supplier. They can order different suppliers to their headquarter and let them negotiate with each other until they have found the producer who is able to sell for the lowest price. Forasmuch, the suppliers have then usually a very small profit margin, but …show more content…

It would be too expensive and other countries, like China, can produce much cheaper. That is not favorable for the middle-class companies in this country because they lose gigantic contracts. However, no one in the United States can produce as cheap as in other countries. In view of that, Walmart is not really helpful for the American economy. When Walmart is in an area it is often awful for the smaller companies, that are not able to offer the goods for such a cheap price. They can also try to offer a better service, but not everyone wants to pay more only for an acceptable service. Or some products can even be found cheaper in a different store. Seeing that, Walmart offers for this situation a price match program so that you can buy the article at Walmart for the same price as in the competitor’s …show more content…

Accordingly, they can decide how much they want to pay for a certain good and if it is still realistic they will find a producer or supplier. They can order different suppliers to their headquarter and let them negotiate with each other until they have found the producer who is able to sell for the lowest price. Forasmuch, the suppliers have then usually a very small profit margin, but a lot of sales. Nevertheless, Walmart tries to give the discount that they get to the customers. For Walmart, the saving pressure is helpful to grow, make more profit and being successful, but for the employees it is unacceptable as they get not paid very well and various of them do not get a health insurance. The salary of a normal working person at Walmart is not enough to have enough money for themselves and one child. That might result in dissatisfaction and they are less motivated in their work. The customers are treated worse and it is often dirty what could be another reason to hate the

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