What is American Individualism? Do we really know? Explaining individualism may seem impossible considering it relies solely on your opinion of the topic itself. Individualism and collectivism are two key points in our society. Are we individuals by having our own body, own mind and own life, or are we simply individuals that surround ourselves around individuals as a group? To everyone there are pros and cons to both and everyone has their own opinion of what makes up the “ideal” American citizen, and what they see themselves as.
To most people individualism is great. It’s one of the greatest qualities a person can have. Being true to themselves, dominate and being exactly what they are, an individual. Many people have to face the
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He takes it to new height trying to be as one without his loved ones. He struggles but sticks to his belief as being an individual because thats what got him to what we know him as today. Many people might say there aren’t any cons of individualism, but sometimes there may be. While being on your own you might start to look at things as a struggle, like making money might start to seem more difficult, finding emotional fulfillment becomes hard within just yourself, and a purpose or meaning can be found but it’s not as natural as if you would have another person, and then making you a collectivist. Collectivism is any political, economic, or social standpoint that is the opposite of individualism of every person in a group. The priority is to make set goals within a group rather than just as an individual. Collectivism usually seems easier because you’re working together for a common goal within the people you are with. You are able to solve more problems being a collectivist with having more brains than one. If you are a family kind of person then you are a collectivist because family is a group, so when they say family is over everything are you still considered an individualist because you practice individualism or collectivist because you are one with your family? I think most people are both in particular situations.
America is said to be the greatest country in the world because of its citizens and the values they live
Individualism: Individualism is the term that refers to the ways in which people identify themselves and focus their goals. Individualism gives priority to personal goals as opposed to the goals of a group or society. Once the men have stepped off the bus on Parris Island they give up every aspect of individualism, they are stripped of all valuables and given the same clothes and haircut which they will wear for the remainder of time. American cultures which are seen almost daily are the ability to voice your own opinion, choosing your personal perspective, and even just the choices you choose to make. Individualism is something that can differ between cultures, but most cultures share certain qualities.
America is a great nation because of all the laws and regulation set forth to protect its citizens. As
Individualism refers to the pursuit of individual rather than common interests, otherwise, egoism. In the novella, “Anthem”, Equality 7-2521 is constantly persecuted by the society that he has lived and grown up in for twenty years. Likewise, Neil from Dead Poet’s Society has grown up under the oppression of his father, whom never allowed Neil to make his own decisions. Both characters faced many obstacles to reach what they considered to be a happy life, but they both eventually escape their lives of oppression and persecution by different means. Equality 7-2521 (or Prometheus) and Neil were both unfairly held back and persecuted by their leaders.
In a society where conforming is normal, individualism is a necessity to be oneself. The first example of being oneself is of Clarisse. Montag and Clarisse are walking in the moonlight on their way home when Clarisse says, “Isn’t this a nice time of night to walk? I like to smell things and look at things, and sometimes stay up all
Americans have been breaded to believe America is the greatest country in the world. America is a place of the freedom and possibilities, an outside looking in a very desirable place to live. However, America is not as great as Americans believe. Sure Americans have a wider range of freedom then most countries, but has plenty of issues that will repulse others from coming to the land of the free. Issues such as women’s rights, racism, and discrimination plague U.S. citizens nearly each day and that should change now.
The United States Of America is one of the strongest country on the planet. A country that is well known for its equality and freedom. A country where people would give up everything in their life to immigrate in, hoping for a new and a better life. The land of opportunity as foreigners call it. "
The American people strive to make themselves the best version of a model citizen they can be. Each person in America has an abundance of patriotism that keeps them from slacking from the progress they have made in becoming honest, diligent, innovative people. All Americans work toward those characteristics because they are what makes a person an ideal American citizen. Honesty is one of the key qualities to being a good citizen. When a person is honest they are easy to trust and can be counted on in times of need. An honest person is desired in every community because they are simply good people. An American should also be diligent. In today’s society without trying hard to accomplish what a person desires to do, it is nearly impossible.
America. The greatest country. The strongest country. The one country most people want to live in. The country that provides help for the ones in need and free education for everybody. America has lived up to the ideals in the Declaration of Independence such as democracy, opportunity, but most importantly, liberty. In America, we are all born with liberty or as others call it, “rights.”
America is a great country for many reasons, such as having freedom. Some of the freedom that we have are freedom of speech, religion, press and much more. America is a great country, because of the different ethnicity that country has. Also, theirs many opportunities to grow. An example is an education because there is no limit to such one can gain from it.
The United States is not the greatest country in the world. However, for a very long time, people have believed that the United States tops the list. This is because of the classic lifestyle and technological advancements portrayed in our daily media. The United States is portrayed as a country of peace and optimum harmony. Consequently, we get the impression that United States is the best place to be. The younger generation seems to enjoy life to the fullest with almost no regrets. After all, most of us can drive a car at the age of 16; compare that to other countries at 18. We have access to pretty much whatever we need. Most adults are not constantly monitoring and hovering over their children. They have jobs and financial prosperity is
Pooja Patel Ms.Clendenin English 2 - 6th Period 2 October 2017 America is the Greatest Country in the World America, land of the free, home of the brave, and the greatest country in the world. What makes America so great? Many people like to say that America has an amazing education system and that America has a higher employment rate than many other countries. America is one of the greatest countries in the world because we are a very well rounded country compared to China.
An individualist is self-reliant and independent, this is just the way he is. In this speech, it tells of how Prometheus, and others like him, stood alone against others during their times. New thoughts were frowned upon and turned down, but were eventually used in later life. They were all egoists, wanting to make themselves happy by inventing and creating new inventions the world had not seen before. Not being a self-absorbed individual was a delightful thing, but they were all met with hatred. They were regarded as foolish for taking the first step. The step down a new road of inventions and technologies that no one knew would occur because of their “sinful” and “useless” creations. In all, being an egoist is not at all a bad thing, unless you take it to the extreme. Egoists like Prometheus in Anthem have been the ones to take the first steps into new discoveries and challenges. These have helped guide the world to make the developments we are making
We Americans, feel the need to believe that the greatest country in the world is in fact, The United States of America. And by all means, we are entitled to our own opinions. We believe this because it is part of one of the things we are best at; patriotism. Although, some are unaware of the outside world, and the advancements made around us. The people who say “ America is the greatest country in the world because we’re better than everyone at everything,” clearly lack statistical knowledge.
As is mentioned in Introduction, the origin of American Individualism can be traced back to the beginning years in its history, when first American immigrants came to the North American continent looking for better life and shaking off they yoke of European feudal tradition and the oppression from all kinds of powerful classes. It is determined that there were elements of Anti-oppression and searching for freedom in American people’s character. This was the original explanation of American Individualism.
Why has our sense of community weakened? And who or what is to blame? My intent is to answer these questions, and determine what can be done to fix the issue at hand. The above-mentioned communal crisis has affected our ability to connect with others, as well as our means to be self-sufficient. The concept of The American Dream is at fault for the decline of our social state, particularly the basis of individualism and consumerism, both at which reinforce economic inequality. The American Dream is seen as the opportunity to succeed and achieve upward-mobility, but in reality this dream has become a nightmare. The appearance of community has shifted more towards a manifestation of social class, and with all things considered, we are indebted