
Prostitution Is Not Immoral Activity

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Germany had for many years, like the Netherlands, tolerated prostitution with a de facto decriminalization and allowed numerous brothels to openly operate. Their country further liberalized this activity when the Berlin federal court ruled in 2000 that prostitution is not immoral activity. Thereupon, that decision led the way to the formalization of a legalized model of prostitution one year later. Germany has since completely commercialized prostitution and their country hosts corporate chains of brothels. Thus, European sex workers, particularly those from Eastern Europe, have immigrated to Germany in large numbers and this country now hosts the most prostitutes per capita in Europe. In total, there are as many as 400,000 prostitutes working in Germany in an estimated 15 billion Euro industry.
Germany’s prostitution policies are determined at the local level due to the federal government removing its prostitution laws in 2000. Several small towns prohibit prostitution, but it is quite visible in the larger cities. In fact, there are around 500 brothels in Berlin. Roughly 80% of Germany’s sex industry operates indoors, but some cities have conducted unique experiments to deal with street prostitution. Essen and Cologne have the same style “drive-ins” as in some Dutch cities. Whereas, the city of Bonn spends $116,000 a year for a private security company to guard the red-light district. In return, the street walkers can work from 8:15 p.m. to 6 a.m. as long as they

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