
Protecting And Supporting The Birth Process Holistically.

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Protecting and supporting the birth process holistically The midwife’s role is also to enhance the mother 's normal physiology during third stage and to protect the birth process holistically. In this scenario this meant that the midwife enhanced Laura 's oxytocin production. McDonald (2009) explains that oxytocin- a hormone produced mainly in the posterior pituitary gland (Murray and Hassall, 2009) - has mechanical effects on the myometrium and the myoepithelial cells of the breast, resulting in uterine contractions and ejection of breast milk. Other major hormones during Laura’s labour and her postpartum period include prolactin and endorphins. Buckley (2002) explains that endorphins are important in bonding and prolactin is in …show more content…

Odent (2005) argue that in a calm environment a woman during her third stage, like Laura, is most likely to have optimal oxytocin release and therefore becomes less likely to have a PPH. Odent (2002) and Buckley (2002) both emphasise the significance of undisturbed post-birth period and they explain the benefits are closely linked in mother and baby. The authors highlight that the first hour after birth is optimal for bonding, as oxytocin and endorphins levels are at high in both mother and baby. Farrell and Sittlington (2009) maintain that during the first hour newborns usually have a long period of alert state. Laura’s baby was alert and ready to breastfeed. The early skin-to-skin contact enabled Laura to recognise her baby’s feeding cues. According to Farrell and Sittlington (2009), early breastfeeding and skin-to-skin contact are significantly linked to exclusive breastfeeding at the time of discharge from hospital. They also promote good mother-baby relationship and stimulate lactation. Buckley (2002) argues that early breastfeeding provided a life-long benefit to Laura’ baby 's gut system. Christensson (1992) adds that undisturbed early skin-to-skin contact satisfied Laura’s newborn 's physical needs, helping her to regulate her body temperature, heart rate and breathing and also resulted in less crying than if she was placed in the cot. In the view of these evidence, it can be said that the midwife’s care plan was significant when facilitating

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