
Protest On The Protest

Decent Essays

On August 14, Colin Kaepernick, a San Francisco 49ers quarterback, sat during the national anthem. Before anyone really noticed, he sat the following two games as well, then it finally became viral. It wasn’t laziness that caused him to sit, nor an injury, but a peaceful protest. Kaepernick sat to protest rampant police brutality and injustice against black people in the United States. This protest became a topic widely debated during the presidential election, and eventually when drafting season came around for football, Kaepernick was blackballed from joining any teams because of this controversy. The American people had a lot to say about how protest should be peaceful without disrespect, which they say Colin could have had avoided doing, but they fail to realize that protest isn’t supposed to cater to your convenience. Protest is a fundamental right Americans have. Whether it be walkouts from schools or marching in the streets, protest is effective when it’s done en mass, and what better way to get the message out than on TV, where millions of Americans tune in to watch beefy men throw an egg-shaped ball around.
Primarily, people came to the initial conclusion that Kaepernick sitting for the anthem is incredibly disrespectful to the U.S. soldiers currently fighting right now and those who have died in battle. The most popular saying being “Soldiers died for that flag!” However, the flag does not represent the military in any fashion. In fact, the U.S. army actually has

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