
Protestant Reform and Martin Luther Essay

Decent Essays

Protestant Reformation The practices of The Catholic Church during the sixteenth century caused a monk named Martin Luther to question The Church’s ways. Luther watched as families suffered physically, emotionally and economically by the hands of The Church. Luther saw no basis for The Church to charge people for their sins or prevent them from learning to read The Bible themselves. He watched as the money built up The Palace, yet tore apart the fundamental and spiritual reasons one goes to church in the first place. In an effort to change the practices of The Church, he wrote the 95 Thesis. In these, he stated his views on the abuses of The Church. This was the beginning of a large movement that would change religious practices over …show more content…

Also in regard to marriage, King Henry VIII used marriage and divorce as his reason for changing religion in England. He wanted an annulment from Catherine of Aragon. The Catholic Church refused to grant the annulment causing Henry VIII to take upon himself the authority of the English Church. He believed that all matters of the Church of England should be decided by himself, the King. Unlike Lutheranism, John Calvin’s Protestant beliefs included a predestined means of going to Heaven. He also preached to his followers to lead a very strict life. Because they were predestined, but wouldn’t know until death who was chosen, they were told to live a very calm life without temptation. His ideas of living without luxuries, dancing and alcohol made him very unpopular. Similar to Luther, Zwingli believed in following The Bible as it is written. Once The Bible was translated and all were able to read it for themselves, they found Zwingli’s beliefs easy to follow. As a pastor, he taught straight from The Bible and his followers respected him and largely accepted Protestant religion. Zwingli, as with other Protestants, gave up Roman Catholic practices such as Lent, clerical celibacy and mass. Many Protestant reformers continued to practice very much the same way. The large difference between their beliefs was, as stated previously, the practice of Communion. They each had their own ideas of the Last Supper and how to view the body and blood of Christ. Most

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