Studies (Patil et al., 2015) explain the significance of oral candidiasis in its ability to cause severe discomfort and pain in the patient following mastication, which can result to restriction of the patient’s nutritional intake, especially in immunodeficient, such as hematologic malignancies or AIDS, and elderly patients. These patients are particularly susceptible to pseudomembranous candidiasis. Patients may also experience a burning sensation in their mouth and throat along with a metallic taste or loss of taste. In addition to the acquirement of the patient’s medical history, the diagnostic measures taken to identify pseudomembranous candidiasis are through clinical examination, microscopic evaluation, and therapeutic agents (Ibsen & Phelan, 2014). These therapeutic recommendations consist of good and thorough oral hygiene care practices such as using antifungals or antimicrobial mouthwashes including chlorhexidine gluconate, triclosan, and essential oil formulation. These types of mouthrinses have a disruptive, anti-candidal activity. Tooth brushing with a powered toothbrush can also aid in disrupting Candida biofilms and are found to be more effective than manual tooth brushing (Willams & Lewis, 2011; Patil et al., 2015). It is crucial to recognize white sponge nevus because of the importance in distinguishing this disorder …show more content…
The importance in performing these diagnoses are to rule out any other lesions that may appear equivalently. Due to its benign course, no specific treatment is necessary except for the patient to maintain good oral hygiene. Patients with white sponge nevus are advised to come back for follow-up examinations in six-months (Aghbali et al., 2009). If a patient, however, were to develop an infection, the dental clinician would advise the patient to use chlorhexidine on a daily basis to inhibit bacterial growth (Marrelli et al.,
If you are concerned that your oral health issue might be too complex to deal with, don't you worry! Robert A Eckelson and his team have worked on many difficult cases and
The dental hygienist’s role is one that can be expanded in several ways. One of which is in palliative care. Dental hygienists can help those in palliative care by relieving physical, psychologic, emotional, and spiritual distress. A dental hygienist can relieve physical distress by knowing how to identify and treat some of the common oral findings of patients in palliative care. This includes, but is not limited to: mucositis, ulcerations, oral candidiasis, and xerostomia. In addition to oral findings, some patients can become malnourished due to not eating if they are in dental pain. This can greatly affect the patient systemically and potentially shorten their expected time of living. The dental hygienist can provide education to palliative
Based on her systemic and local factors, I would recommend Biotene and antiseptic fluorinated toothpaste. Ex Crest Pro-Health
There are three major types of GIT candidiasis which include esophageal, nonesophageal and oropharyngeal candidiasis. Oropharyngeal is also referred as the oral thrush which is the Candida infection in the mouth, and it is manifested by burning tongue or mouth, painful mouth, sore, dysphagia and thick whitish patches around the oral mucosa (Contreras & Fuentes, 2013). Moreover, the diffuse white patches and erythema appear on the surface of the throat, tongue, buccal mucosa, and gums. There are five types of oral thrush which include erythematous candidiasis, chronic atrophic candidiasis membranous candidiasis, angular cheilitis and the mixed of the four types (Contreras & Fuentes, 2013). The erythematous candidiasis is manifested by erythematous covering on the soft and hard palates while membranous infection is the most famous differentiated by creamy-white coverings on the mucosal surfaces. Furthermore, the chronic atrophic candidiasis is also known as the denture stomatitis presented by symptoms and signs such as chronic edema and erythema of the mouth lining part that touches the dentures. Additionally, the angular cheilitis is the swelling response characterized by erythema, tenderness, and cracking at the edge of the lips (Hospenthal & Rinaldi, 2015).
The patient was keen to get her oral hygiene up to a good standard and prevent any
• An open sore that may remain open for 3 weeks or longer. The sore may bleed, ooze, or crust. This type of lesion can be an early sign of basal cell carcinoma. Basal cell carcinoma often shows up as a sore that does not heal.
At the initial visit the patient’s plaque index was 43% and the plaque score was 55%. The most amount of plaque was present in the posterior regions in both the maxillary and mandibular quadrants. The anterior teeth suffered from a fair amount of attrition. Plaque was being retained in the grooves and pits of the damaged teeth. The patient also had slight interproximal plaque. Number 18 was chipped measially and was missing half of the large amalgam restoration. It had the most biofilm build up covering almost every aspect of the tooth, including the inside portion, which was exposed to oral cavity. When asked why she felt this was a problem area for her she responded that food constantly gets trapped inside and it’s painful, it hurts to brush. A large interproximal lesion on number 8 adjacent to porcelain fused to metal crown retained a considerable amount of biofilm also. The large and old amalgam restorations posteriorly were wearing away at the margins creating grooves and fissures on the occlusal surfaces also retaining plaque. I asked her if she felt like her diet or habits may be contributing to any oral pain or problems she is having. She answered honestly by saying she knows she harming not only her teeth but also her body. She wants to eat better and quit smoking, but she still gets pleasure when indulging and just isn’t ready to give up things she loves yet. She did agree to try and change some of her oral hygiene
A dental hygiene diagnosis is used to identify areas of deficit that need attention. It is important to use critical thinking in order to develop a dental hygiene diagnosis within the scope of practice of dental hygiene. The dental hygiene diagnosis is based on the assessment of data from the medical history, dental chart, radiographs, periodontal chart, and twelve page assessment about the patient's dental hygiene care needs. These findings are important in order to plan and implement an effective dental hygiene treatment plan.
Thrush - Candida albicans, a fungus may appear in the mouth due to immune system diseases or certain medications.
Loss of feeling or pain in your mouth, face, or neck area. Oftentimes this is accompanied by sores in the same areas that don’t clear up within two
- The article chosen focuses on proper assessment of oral ulceration in the primary care setting to aide in the early diagnosis of oral cancerous ulcerations. Benign oral ulceration may cause by numerous factors ranging acute ulcerations, like trauma (i.e. biting your mucosa), medications, and various infectious agents like (herpiesveridae) (Paleri, V. et. al., 2010). Chronic oral ulceration can develop with persistent irritation, such as dentures. Chronic infections, and medications can be the causative factor to chronic ulcerations (Paleri, V. et. al., 2010). When it comes to Cancerous oral ulcerations can manifest and
The literature review can be found within column 2 on page 103, and columns 1 and 2 on page 104. 48 references were used, 48 of the 34 came from primary sources, while the remaining 14 came from secondary sources. Experiments were aimed “to evaluate the effect of full mouth disinfection (FMD) on insulin resistance in type 2 diabetics, and associated glycemic levels (Srirangarajan, et al., 2016).” The research fulfilled the purpose of finding systemic FMD health benefits for patients with type 2 diabetes to illustrate the GAP in literature between traditional periodontal treatments and glycemic control.
I would also point out that the patient is developing a condition called Leukoplakia as evidence by white patches are
After disclosing my patient Omar, I took this opportunity to talk about biofilm and the importance of removing it with the proper brushing technique and flossing, and it effects on causing periodontal disease. He had an index plaque of 1 in all quadrants, so I recommended him to pay more attention to flossing and making sure he gets the floss under the gums and against the tooth. Since I did not have enough time I started debridement on the UR and LL quadrants with the cavitron and hand scaling. For his next visit, I plan on finishing the debridement in all four quadrants, polishing, and applying fluoride varnish. For my afternoon patient, I had Aurea Loubriel, a friend who is in the occupational therapy program at LCNE. She has a class at 3PM, so I only had time to fill out the legal forms, the medical and dental history, pharmacological data, habits, and vitals. For her, I had to send a fax with a form requesting her radiographs be sent to the clinic. For her next visit, I want to move on and collect all my assessment data, do her treatment plan and SOAP, and have everything check before she leaves. After my patient left, I had the change to assist Krenar with the suction while he was working
As stated by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, “Each year, more than 30,000 new cases of cancer of the oral cavity and pharynx are diagnosed and over 8,000 deaths due to oral cancer occur.” (CDC). Most adults are unaware that they have periodontal disease or gum disease, this occurs because they do not maintain routine checkups with their dentist. When we insert food and other bacteria into our mouths, it affects our teeth and gums. We need routine dental checkups and cleanings throughout our lives. Dental checkups usually involve x-rays, cleanings, and the examination of the mouth.