
Pseudomembranous Candidiasis: A Case Study

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Studies (Patil et al., 2015) explain the significance of oral candidiasis in its ability to cause severe discomfort and pain in the patient following mastication, which can result to restriction of the patient’s nutritional intake, especially in immunodeficient, such as hematologic malignancies or AIDS, and elderly patients. These patients are particularly susceptible to pseudomembranous candidiasis. Patients may also experience a burning sensation in their mouth and throat along with a metallic taste or loss of taste. In addition to the acquirement of the patient’s medical history, the diagnostic measures taken to identify pseudomembranous candidiasis are through clinical examination, microscopic evaluation, and therapeutic agents (Ibsen & Phelan, 2014). These therapeutic recommendations consist of good and thorough oral hygiene care practices such as using antifungals or antimicrobial mouthwashes including chlorhexidine gluconate, triclosan, and essential oil formulation. These types of mouthrinses have a disruptive, anti-candidal activity. Tooth brushing with a powered toothbrush can also aid in disrupting Candida biofilms and are found to be more effective than manual tooth brushing (Willams & Lewis, 2011; Patil et al., 2015). It is crucial to recognize white sponge nevus because of the importance in distinguishing this disorder …show more content…

The importance in performing these diagnoses are to rule out any other lesions that may appear equivalently. Due to its benign course, no specific treatment is necessary except for the patient to maintain good oral hygiene. Patients with white sponge nevus are advised to come back for follow-up examinations in six-months (Aghbali et al., 2009). If a patient, however, were to develop an infection, the dental clinician would advise the patient to use chlorhexidine on a daily basis to inhibit bacterial growth (Marrelli et al.,

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