
Psychosocial And Cognitive Learning Theories

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Psychosocial and Cognitive learning are just a few of the theories that describe the makeup of human development and behavior. Psychosocial theories explore the relationship between the social environment and an individual’s psychological condition (Crawford and Hawford, 2011). Whilst Cognitive Learning Theory explains certain behavioral responses of people based on their understanding and mental representation of what is happening at the present time. This theory also explores a person’s everyday interaction within their environment and recognizes various social treatments as having an influential impact on a child’s development (Crawford and Walker, 2010). More specifically, this review of literature will be focusing on key aspects of Psychosocial and Cognitive Learning theories through the Attachment Theory and Piaget’s work respectively.

“Attachment theory is a psychological, evolutionary and ethological theory concerning relationships with humans,” (Becknel, 2012). John Bowlby initially developed the Attachment Theory in 1930, however, this theory was further extended in the 1950s through to the 1980s when Bowlby collaborated with Mary Salter Ainsworth (Bowlby and Ainsworth, 1992). Bowlby theorized that in order for a child’s social and emotional behavior to develop normally, a child must develop at least one relationship with a primary caregiver. This attachment must occur within the first three years of the infant’s life and be with a caregiver that is consistently

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