
Psychosocial And Psychosocial Problems Of Adolescents

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Some (but not all) teens may go through adolescence experiencing serious psychological and behavioral problems (i.e. substance abuse, delinquency, and depression). These problems can have direct (i.e. being in contact with personal youth) or indirect (i.e. increased taxes for community services and raised anxiety about safety of neighborhoods) effects on troubled teens and those around them. The media often exaggerates the psychosocial problems of adolescents, which leads to the stereotype of adolescents being troublesome. Therefore, it is important to distinguish between normative, transitory problems that most adolescence face (e.g. self-doubt, broken hearts, etc.) and more serious psychosocial problems that few adolescents experience (e.g. drug abuse, depression, etc.). This can be done by distinguishing between occasional experimentation and ongoing patterns of troublesome behavior. The rates of adolescent experimentation often exceed rates of enduring problems. For example, while a teen may break the law once during adolescence, that doesn’t mean the teenager will go on to have a criminal career. Despite this, delinquency if often associated with adolescence, However, just because a problem behavior is seen during adolescence, doesn’t mean it necessarily began during adolescence. In addition, most psychosocial problems experienced during adolescence are usually resolved by adulthood, unless an adolescent had a traumatic childhood. Popular theories such as that

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