Public health surveillance is a continuous, well-organised manner of collecting, analysing and interpreting health-related data that is used for the planning, implementing, and evaluating public health practices (WHO, 2017). The information obtain makes it easier for the public health personnel to initial warning signs of any Public Health Emergency that may arise (WHO, 2017). Therefore, public health surveillance system is deem high quality if it is composed of the following characteristics that reflexes the organisations and individuals willingness to be involved in the surveillance. Due to the changing nature of the surveillance, flexibility is important, along with simplicity, stability, and quality that reflects integrity of the surveillance …show more content…
In order to have an accurate overview of the HIV epidemic of all medical center, reports on the positively diagnosed patients, care and treatment provided and notification of HIV deaths are documented. This aids in the determination of the prevalence of the disease within each of the regions and the impact the disease has on the country (MOH, 2013).
Tuberculosis has been around for thousands of years, however continues to persist in the Guyanese population. This disease is of major public health concern globally. Therefore, standardised surveillance tools are available at established TB clinics to facilitate accurate recording and reporting of all cases positive of TB, TB/ HIV and drug resistant TB (MOH, 2005).
Describe the impact of changing case definitions (a definition of the condition by person, place and time and quantity of associations between exposures and outcomes, to develop and test hypotheses about causal associations) in a surveillance system. Provide an
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Therefore, over the years there are new and improve criteria for case identifications of diseases. As a result, this influence a change in case definition as was identified in Chickenpox (Varicella) in 1990 as compare to 2010 (CDC, 2017).The clinical presentation of chickenpox is characterised by generalized papulovesicular rash, fever, loss of appetite, and tiredness. However, the Laboratory criteria for positive diagnosis in 1990 were isolation of varicella virus from a clinical specimen, or by standard serologic assay, while in 2010 additional laboratory analysis such as antigen detection by direct fluorescent antibody test, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) were also utilised for the deadly cases of varicella (CDC,
After reviewing this article, I have determined that the dimensions of health involved with this issue are physical, environmental, and intellectual. For starters, this issue affects a person's physical health because it causes the body to deteriorate until eventually the person dies. Those who become addicted fail to take proper care of their body with healthy products but rather ingest harmful ones. Another dimension involved is environmental because depending where a person lives will depend how accessible these painkillers are. In an area where a doctor over prescribes painkillers, or people illegally sell painkillers, there should be a higher addiction rate because painkillers are easier to obtain. The final dimension involved
Chapter twelve focuses on the overlap of a number of view points in the public health, risk communication, Crisis communication and health care reform. The chapter talked about public health, as well what public health meant and it defined it as involvement of the well-being of the entire communities. Not only that but the chapter has great observation of the rick and the public relations profession that is designed to protect human in our society. The booked mentioned the three tradition which are one, helping people who are insufficiently concerned appreciate that a serious risk exists
In 2014, 100,000 people out of a two hundred million population died from tuberculosis disease and the incidence of TB was estimated to be 1,000,000 TB cases (Kanabus, 2016). “Prevalence of all tuberculosis (TB) cases (include pulmonary, musculoskeletal, etc.) in Indonesia on 2014 was 234 per 100.000 cases” (Albana, Purba, Manihuruk, & Ariff, 2016, para. 2).
This paper will discuss the communicable disease influenza. It will discuss the causes, symptoms, and treatments, as well as the demographics of interest. It will also discuss the determinants of health and how these factors contribute to the development of influenza. Included in this paper will be information on host, agent, and environmental factors. Lastly it will explain the role of the community health nurse in caring for those affected with influenza and the role they play in education and prevention.
-Monitoring the overall health status of the population, this involves the recording of any changes of health in the population and alerting people to potential risks, for example the higher levels of smoking within a population.
“Tuberculosis (TB), a multisystem disease with myriad presentations and manifestations, is the most common cause of infectious disease–related mortality worldwide. Although TB rates are decreasing in the United States, the disease is becoming more common in many parts of the world. In addition, the prevalence of drug-resistant TB is increasing worldwide. TB is caused by M tuberculosis, a slow-growing obligate aerobe and a facultative intracellular parasite. The organism grows in parallel groups called cords (as seen in the image below). It retains many
The public health department strives to protect society from various old and new diseases. Their response impacts the success rate in the short and long term. They normally response by informing the community and the public health department act in preventing and protecting the community from disease. The public health department use methods like coercion in successfully making people to submit, which would ensure success for the short term. However, if the message does not get modified but include gets recycled, the success rate for the long term will lower. Society understands the difference between what is good for an individual and what is bad, however, old information tends to become ignored. Individuals in the public health field understand
Chickenpox is a viral infection caused by the Varicella Zoster Virus (VZV) transmitted via the respiratory route that causes itchy, blisters-like rashes usually lasting about 5-10 days. It is highly contagious transmitted by person to person contact (direct) from respiratory secretions or indirectly through contact with airborne respiratory droplets, via soiled inanimate objects infected by discharge from skin lesions, vesicle discharges or nasopharyngeal secretions. The incubation period lasts about 10-21 days and the disease is communicable 1-2 days
This public health policy paper will discuss and outline the Affordable Care Act (ACA) as well as barriers and controversies surrounding the policy and its relevance in nursing profession. The ACA will eventually affect everyone. Statistics reflecting United States health outcomes have proven the need for the initiation of policy formation within the United States healthcare system. “In March 2010, President Obama signed into law a comprehensive health reform, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA).” (Estes, Chapman, Dodd, Hollister, Harrington, 2013, p. 144) The ACA promotes preventive care—including related services and family planning—that should result in improved health outcomes and
The following paper provides a detailed description of Chickenpox and the determinants of health contributing to the development of the disease. The
Tuberculosis, a sometimes crippling and deadly disease, is on the rise and is revisiting both the developed and developing world. The global epidemic is growing and becoming more dangerous. The breakdown in health services, the spread of HIV/AIDS and the emergence of multi drug-resistant TB are contributing to the worsening impact of this disease. Overall, one-third of the world 's population is currently
There are six core functions of epidemiology (Dicker, Coronado, Koo, & Parrish, 2012). The first function is public health surveillance. Public health surveillance can be defined as the method of collecting and analyzing data to better serve the health and well-being of the public efficiently and effectively. For example, if hospitals start seeing more cases of tuberculosis epidemiologists can analyze collected data to find a pattern or commonality among those who were treated. If they find that the majority of patients are from the same geographical location, they may want to concentrate their field investigation efforts in that area. Public health surveillance is important to the study of
“Epidemiology is the study of the distribution and determinants of health-related states or events (including disease), and the application of this study to the control of diseases and other health problems (WHO, 2015)”. “Various methods can be used to carry out epidemiological investigations: surveillance and descriptive studies can be used to study distribution; analytical studies are used to study determinants (WHO, 2015)”.This paper discusses about epidemiology of HIV infection, including factors that contribute the development of the disease, epidemiologic triangle, role of community health nurse and the national organization that address the communicable disease.
To increase TB detection, Georgia introduced laboratory diagnosis of tuberculosis and MDR-TB detection technologies in 2011. This helped to detect approximately 63 percent of MDR-TB cases. However, one-third of patients with MDR-TB remains undetected and represents a source of TB infection. Despite universal access to MDR-TB treatment, almost third of patients do not undertake treatment. Also every tenth case of detected TB is qualified as MDR-TB (USAID Georgia Tuberculosis Prevention Project, 2013). For these reasons, Georgia remains a high burden country for MDR TB (Partnership for Social initiatives , 2013)
There were 8.6million people suffering from TB in the world, where 1.1million were people living with HIV. In 2012 TB accounted for 1.3million deaths where 50% of patients who died were HIV positive women. TB is the top killer of women of reproductive age (Organisation, 2014). Global statistics showed 45% decrease in TB mortality since 1990. The world is likely to reach the MDG target of 50% by 2015 (Ravinglione M, 2006). The report paints a good picture about TB management in the world whereas the reality is that more people are reported to have died of TB when the disease is curable. The number of people diagnosed with MDR in the world doubled between 2011& 2012 with the introduction