Education is an important factor to success for many people in America. Teaching is imperative the most basic figure in a person’s life and their outcome for, an accomplishment also the consequence of future achievement in America. All together for our nation to be productive, we should put resources into America and the preparation they will once they proceed forward to their future attempts. Millions of dollars go towards public school system to better their education, but it doesn’t help pay the teachers. People don’t understand that teachers must make a living for themselves and their families. They simply cannot accomplish goals and dream without the funds to do so. Most teachers have a Bachelors or Masters in Education, the more education …show more content…
According to Census data, teachers receive salaries around 20 percent lower than similarly educated private-sector workers. The Bureau of Labor Statistics says teachers’ benefits are about the same as benefits in the private sector. But both the salary and benefits figures are dubious.” (Biggs) This supports the underpaid teacher because they have the support of other. Biggs did research on the salary and it is true that teachers are underpaid. With the increasing expense of school going to class to be an instructor is gradually turning into a less and less searched out occupation. The lack of salary affect all levels of education Elementary, Middle, High, and College. The main way an instructor can acquire a better than average raise is by getting a Master or Doctorate. Even then, there still isn’t a fair amount of pay for the higher degree …show more content…
Kowalski put statements of teachers, “I can’t afford to buy anything that isn’t a necessity,” says first-grade teacher Lysa Sassman, one of many California educators whose salary has been slashed. “I grocery shop based on what’s on sale, and I can’t tell you the last time I’ve gone out to dinner or gone on a vacation.” (Kowalski) This statement shows that teacher themselves cannot make a living with their salaries. The government doesn’t understand that teacher must make a living. Regardless of the possibility that point of view educators seek after their fantasies and graduate and land an instructing a position, they are uncertainly going to require a night occupation to keep them in front of the bills. The summer is a far and away more terrible since educators have no wellspring of
In today’s society one of the most important factors in selecting a career field is rate of pay. No matter whether the profession maybe, the dollar figure must be within a range that allows the employee to maintain a substantial lifestyle. The debate of teacher pay scales has raged on for years. Many argue that the current pay scale for teachers is a scale which rewards teachers merely for seniority. They argue that the current pay scale overlooks those educators which demonstrate exceptional performance. Teacher merit pay systems have been the most popular suggestions made to remedy the problems seen with the current pay scale. Although the current pay scale may not be completely effective, the idea of
I can personally say that I have had teachers put in so much extra time to help me, because I was struggling in class. They aren’t getting paid for the extra time they put in; they just do it because they care about the future of their students. If we didn’t have teachers who care for the future of young kids then Oklahoma’s education system would be no existent, we would be dead last and on the brink of having the worst economy in the United States. I have grown up and lived in Norman Oklahoma my whole life and I don’t want to see our education system crumble into nothing or just barely hang on and struggle like we have been for a long time now. I want to see our education system start to work its way to the top and see the teachers who have taught me since I was in Kindergarten finally get paid the salary they deserve. I have traveled all over and have been to more than 30 states and multiple countries and I can honestly say that Oklahoma has some of the most caring, hardworking, genuine, give the shirt off their own back kind of people. So we need to start acting like it and come together as a community and raise the salaries of the people who are some of the most compassionate and caring humans around and that’s our teachers. Some people would say that they are the backbone of our community because they are the ones grooming the kids who will someday run the community and
High school teachers’ average salary varies across the world. The United States is said to be one of the richest countries in the world, yet our teachers are being paid one of the lowest amounts. The Education Intelligence Agency, author of the article “Ohio Teacher Overcomes Union’s Tolerance” published an International Teacher Salary Report ranking the fifty states by “how much the average salary exceeded per capita personal income.” According to the Education Intelligence Agency Ohio’s percentage rate is only fifty- five point one percent. According to the Education Intelligence Agency the lowest state percentage is in South Dakota at twenty- three point six percent and the highest state percentage is
All the time people ask, “Oh, why do you want to be a teacher, they don’t make that much money?” However, teachers make decent pay. On average, a teacher will make $53,000 per year. In the state of Wisconsin and Minnesota, teachers make the average salary and have the
The issue of teacher shortage today is continuing to grow. The effects of the achievement gap are reaching the teachers, not just the students: “...good administrators and teachers, who are doing their best under difficult circumstances, will be driven out of the profession…,” (Boyd-Zaharias 41). The achievement gap is part of the reason teachers feel they are underpaid, which happens to be one of the leading cause in teacher shortage considering, “Teachers were paid two percent less [than comparable workers] in 1994, but by 2015 the wage penalty rose to 17 percent,” (Long). Being a teacher requires passion in order to stay in the field, especially if the money in teaching is decreasing. Money is an important aspect for people when it comes to their careers, therefore, fewer people want to become teachers. This lack of teachers and the lack of college students studying to become a teacher leads to unqualified teachers and larger classroom sizes (Ostroff). Both of these causes are eventually affecting students’ learning environments. I chose this issue in education for my project because I have personally felt these effects, and I know others who have as well. As a future educator, I want to see better wages and better benefits, but this can only happen with qualified, passionate teachers. I plan on being one of them, and I plan on sparking a change. I am a future educator fighting to end teacher shortage.
Valerie Strauss wrote “Think teachers aren’t paid enough? It’s worse than you think,” this was an article posted The Washington Post. Valerie Strauss had a great deal of information about teachers and their pay. This article was written in August of 2016. I do believe that this article had the correct and up to date information about teacher pay and wages. This author compared teachers’ pay to comparable public workers. Valerie Strauss gave the impression that she wanted to inform her readers about how underpaid teachers are. I do think this article was convincing, Valerie Strauss knew what she was talking about.
Another reason why teachers should be paid more is that “We will have no teachers” (Snyder). Kasey Snyder said, “No one wants to have a job that underpays and undervalues them.” A lot of people choice another path of career when they go to college instead of being a teacher because teachers do not get paid enough. In Teachers Need a Raise, it says that young teachers are “… more likely to cite low pay as one of the main drawbacks of teaching than older teachers and are also more likely to leave the profession because of low starting salaries.” (Partelow). People that want to be a teacher end up not doing it for long in college and change their major or graduate and not teach for long and go to school for
Teachers have and will always have a big impact in everyone’s life and if not everyone, well, at least they did for me. They teach you everything you need to know about a subject and valuable life lessons, so why are they not paid sufficiently enough to make a decent living? Teachers salaries have always been low and I believe it is the time that changes. Being a lawyer, doctor, or engineer is great, but none of that would be possible without the insight of a teacher, I will inform you in this paper on why I believe there is a need for action. I will go over the background of teacher’s salaries, my ideas on what would be best for teachers not just in Texas, but nationwide, and pros and cons on the issues and ideas at hand.
Apparently,it doesn't matter how good the teacher is, it matters how long they have been teaching.I think this is very stupid, a teacher can be very good at there job and another teacher sucks at it and the bad teacher would still get paid more if he or she has worked longer than the good teacher.On google it says the average for a teacher is IL makes $61,402 a year.This is obviously not true because it depends on if it's a big city with a big school because in a small town like edinburg is a lot teaching job at a bigger school and get like $50,000-$60,000 in a year.In small towns like Edinburg, teachers may get as less as $25,000 a year when you can get a If you work at a big school, an average employee gets like $27.00 an hour.In smaller schools like edinburg some new teachers will get $12.50 an hour.
Teachers often times complain about how little they get paid and how difficult it is to accomplish the simple things in life because of low income. I believe teachers should receive more pay because they do everything for today’s youth. Some people disagree, saying that teachers’ jobs are not as important as other higher-up, prestigious jobs. I disagree, saying that without those teachers to be there to guide those students in college or high school they would not be where they are today. Without the help of teachers’ some jobs would be done wrong; there would be no right way of doing it, people would get into disputes about whether their way is right or wrong.
The low pay for our educators is causing many negative effects. New York Times shows that the low income is causing sixty-two percent of teachers to have a second job outside of their teaching jobs. Just to have enough money to support their families and make ends meet. Most everyone decides to college to prevent having these struggles with money, and to avoid having to work multiple jobs, when they get older; however, not when it comes to living off of only a teacher’s income, the struggles to have enough money are interminable. This low pay is also causing most teachers to retire, and find new jobs. New York Times states, “every year 20 percent of teachers in urban districts quit. Nationwide, 46 percent of teachers quit before their fifth year. The turnover costs the
Education is a fundamental aspect of any civilized nation. The goal of public education in America is to turn uninformed children into knowledgeable citizens who are fully capable of participating in a society driven by democracy and economics. Students drop out every year by the hundreds of thousands, and those who remain receive a less than satisfactory educational experience due to lack of funding, inadequate teachers, and flawed educational strategies. Americans must improve school funding and increase teacher pay to ensure all students receive quality primary and secondary education as well as reduce remediation and drop out rates through improved learning standards, effective assessment tools,
With beginning teachers usually earning entirely less than other college graduates, the profession is at loss of top-notch, quality people who tend to find jobs seeking more money. Almost 50 percent leave the profession within 5 years, lured by higher pay and prestige elsewhere in the booming U.S. economy (World, 1999, par. 7). Starting teachers average a $25,735 salary in the United States compared to an engineer earning $56,820 or a physical therapist earning $56,600 (Engineer, 2000, par.1). And what signal does it send out about the value of good teachers and a good education when a 45-year-old teacher with a master’s degree earns $45,000 a year and a 25-year-old out of law school often starts at $80,000, considering a six year education for a master’s degree and a seven year education for a law degree (Greenhouse, 2002, par. 4)? A teacher is also given no compensation for the long hours spent basically in overtime work. The teacher’s day does not end when they leave school because if lesson plans, grading, or planning is not completed, it will have to be finished on their own time. Accountants, paralegals, and engineers all are compensated and get paid overtime for work that does not get completed in a regular day or if they want to stay and
Most politicians believe teachers are not motivated and part of the problem. In my opinion growing up most of my teachers were motivated however, the lack of funds and over crowding were bigger stumbling blocks to me getting an education. It is no secret that being a teacher will not make you rich but. In Canada and the United States, most teachers with a four-year degree earn about $40K. I believe most teachers enter that profession to help students go on to lead productive lives.
Lurking over our great country is a troubling issue that is plaguing the professional educational workforce. When compared worldwide, American teachers work the most hours, yet are paid in the lowest brackets when related to the top 32 nations (Teachers Pay). In addition, when you compare a teacher’s salary to other four year degree salaries, teachers are among the 5 lowest paid degrees (O’Shaughnessy). Not only are the salaries among the lowest in the American workforce, a typical teachers at home workload exceeds all other professional jobs by 20% (Current). Furthermore, teachers were only given a 2.3% salary raise in 2009. Yet the rate of inflation rose to 3.1% causing a loss in purchasing power and creating a hardship on the