
Puerto Rico American History

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What has been the experience Puerto Rico has had with the United States? How did they become attached to the U.S.?
When it comes to the history of Puerto Rico and the United States, there has been plenty of experience with the two. There was such a profound legacy the U.S. policy left as it did in Puerto Rico (Gonzalez, 2011, p. 60). Once the situation started, a couple years went by. In 1900 congress passed the Foraker Act (Gonzalez, 2011, p. 60). The Foraker act declared Puerto Rico U.S. territory. This act granted the islanders their own House of Delegates. The act gave the islanders “less self-government than they had enjoyed under Spain” (Gonzalez, 2011, p. 60) Foraker Act replaced the currency on the island. The islander’s pesos were …show more content…

The cultures go all the way back to 5100 BCE- 400 BCE. This was the Olmeca period. Jumping to the Mayan Empire. This was dated between 250-900 AD. This period in this point in time was known as the Classic period. They had a highly-stratified society and practiced Polytheistic religion. (Class Notes, 2/6). They also did have an intensive agriculture. The Mesoamerican population was made up of many different time areas to create the Chicano culture. The main well known cultures that make up the Mesoamerican population was the Mexica (Aztec), the Maya, and Toltecs. With the different cultures came along different advantages and different knowledge. The Aztec society was very well constructed ranging from Emperor to slaves. In 1500 there were 25 million people in the empire making it the largest in the United States (Class Notes, 2/8). In 1500 there were 25 million people in the empire making it the largest in the United States (Class Notes, 2/8). Mesoamerica was a wide spread of different points in time and was such a huge part of the Chicano culture. Many practices and traditions are still carried on into today's Chicano Culture. Alters in the Aztec culture were seen when entering a village, they were huge. In today's Chicano culture we can see alters still being used. Corn is a huge staple in the Mexican diet that has been around since Mesoamerica. The Aztec Eagle is still seen today which represents unity (Class Notes,

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