
Purpose Of The Risk Management Plan Essay

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1. Introduction
XYZ recognizes that the organization is exposed to certain risks due to the nature of its activities and the environment in which it operates. The key to XYZ’s success is the effective management of risk to ensure its organizational objectives are achieved.
1.1 Purpose of the Risk Management Plan
This Risk Management Plan defines how risks associated with the XYZ project will be analyzed and mitigated. The Project Manager working with the Project Team and Project Sponsors will ensure that risks are actively identified, analyzed, and managed throughout the life of the project.
2. Risk Analysis
All risks identified will be assessed to identify the range of possible project outcomes. Risks will be prioritized by their level of importance.
2.1.1 Qualitative Risk Analysis
The probability and impact of occurrence for each identified risk will be assessed by the PM, with input from the Project Team using the following approach:
• Probability - is the likelihood that a risk will occur.
• Impact - is the consequence the risk will have on the project when it does occur.
Risks are evaluated against a standard impact/probability scale using a clearly defined range, as identified in Table 2 to decrease the uncertainty between different definitions of High, Moderate, and Low impact. Risks with High impacts and probabilities are those that need to be addressed first.
Table 2. Risk Exposure Rating
Risk Exposure Rating Description Color Code
HIGH (H) Unacceptable.

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